Top 10 Ways To Create An Integrity Day

An integrity day is an afternoon or day that you come together with a group of people that all want to accomplish things that will bring you all into in integrity with your selves and others. Often, these are things that you’ve all been putting off. Ideally you want to set up the integrity day to last for at least four hours, but no longer than an ordinary day. You’ll have conference calls scheduled throughout the time set aside for the integrity day.

The day starts by coming together on the call, telling everyone what you’re going accomplish within the next hour and they cheer you on – you listen to what they’re going to accomplish and you cheer them on – and then the race is on to see how much you can get done before the next scheduled call. Great way to be held lovingly accountable and to use the synergy of the group to get things accomplished that’s both fun and powerful.

Here’s how to Create Your Integrity Day:

1. Create a list of S.M.A.R.T goals that can be accomplished in the time frame set up for the integrity day.

So, if the group is working for four hours, what can you accomplish in those four hours?

(A S.M.A.R.T. goal is a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Tangible.)

2. Plan what your reward will be for accomplishing your S.M.A.R.T goals.

Keep the reward in proportion to the goals – that increases the likelihood of another successful integrity day the next time you create one.

3. Set up buddies ahead of time for the integrity day.

Everyone in the group should be working with a buddy throughout their integrity day. If you have an odd number of people you can simply set up a buddy threesome. The buddies should create a plan to check in with each other in whatever way works best for them – phone or email – in between the times the entire group is scheduled to call. So, if the conference calls are set up for every two hours then the buddies will be connecting at least every hour.

4. Use your buddy ahead of time to plan your integrity day.

It’s sometimes easy to misjudge the amount of time or effort that a project will take. Setting up the buddies before the integrity day and coming to the first call already fired up to go is an awesome way to start. Finding out in the middle of an integrity day that the goals were either too impossible for the time frame or even too easy saps the momentum of the entire group. Working with your buddy before the day even starts means that you’re not only working on creating a more intimate relationship, it means that your buddy has an opportunity to give feedback or advice about adjusting your goals for the Integrity Day. Make estimations about how time consuming each goal is, and work from there.

5. Pick goals that are about YOUR accomplishments.

Life is a team sport, but an Integrity Day isn’t a day to make promises for other people. It’s YOUR day. If other people have to do their part in order for you to accomplish the goal then you might want to rethink it. Maybe the goal can be doing your part and it’s just the icing on the cake if they do theirs.

6. Debrief.

At the end of the day debrief with your team and then more privately with your buddy right after.

7. And during the debriefing – celebrate the successes.

Whether the goals are entirely accomplished or not it’s about celebrating the successes. Sometimes tackling a goal means that the first stage turns out to be about finding out what the unknown obstacles were to getting it accomplished. THAT’s an accomplishment, too!! So, now you may have other goals to accomplish before that one will be complete, but that’s ok. An integrity day is about nothing but pom poms, “woo hoo’s” and “go get ’em tiger’s”!

8. Learn the lessons.

What are the lessons you’ve learned from your integrity day? If you could have anybody in the world – from anytime throughout history – coach you about how your integrity day went, how do you think they would coach you? What would they say? What would they acknowledge about your day? What would they say the lessons are for you?

9. Rinse.

Surrender to whatever the day was for you and let it pass behind you.

10. Now repeat.

Create another Integrity Day. Twice a week is the recommended dosage.

Author Bio: About: Tracy Phaup is the founder and President of the Tracy Phaup Group, a consulting group specializing in custom consulting services for Internet marketers, Professional Bloggers, and Infopreneurs. Affectionately known as the Social Media Marketing Maven, her specialty is relationship marketing. Her many years of experience in Coaching, Consulting and Team Building allow her to bring to bear expertise across mediums and to share her expertise in developing relationships that rock!

Category: Self Help
Keywords: Integrity,Team,Support,Goals,S.M.A.R.T goals,

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