Top 5 SEO Experts Tips For 2010

The world of internet marketing and online advertising is so dynamic that it may change almost everyday. The change is not just limited to the content but to how the whole system operates. The rules, guidelines or tips that help you in cutting the competition and bringing out the best content to the world in the best possible manner can also change very rapidly. The only way your business can sustain and you can ensure consistent quality is by regularly keeping a track of these changes. This will help you in getting ahead in the race and ensure continual success.

Specifically, talking about the rules of SEO, one needs to keep track of how the search engines are evolving, which are the most commonly used search engines, and how to their algorithms for ranking the websites work. For example, Google which is considered the most famous and highly used search engine has a very extensive algorithm with almost 200 parameters for ranking any website. Moreover, this list is every evolving and parameters are continuously added to this list. As an SEO expert, its our job to keep track of these additions so that we don’t lose any time in implementing them in our work.

Here are few very critical SEO tips that will help you in achieving success in 2010.

– Site speed: This factor was more of a usage feature till now as it mostly affected only the users in terms of usability and convenience of the users, but never really had any influence on the ranking of a website in a search engine’s search results. However, with Google introducing site-speed as one of the new parameters in its ranking algorithm, it is going to become aspect to look at while deciding any SEO strategy for the future.

– Link Validation: Link validation may not be a listed parameter in the list of rank determining parameters but it indirectly and very severely affects the ranking of a website in the search results of a search engine. This is based on a simple logic that if any link in the website is not working, a search engine spider bot will not be able to browse through the website completely and hence will be able to read the whole content.

– Genuine Content: Determination of genuineness of any content in terms of originality, usefulness and understandability may not be a straightforward task. There may be some parameters that may automatically determine the genuineness of content, but most of the determination will be performed indirectly such as by user interest and linking content.

– Managing Duplicate Content: Though it is always advisable to avoid duplicate content in you website, it may be unavoidable in some situations. You need to ensure that any duplicate content does not affect your search engine rankings negatively. One way of ensuring this is by redirecting between duplicate content.

– File Nomenclature: We already know about the importance of optimizing the titles and URLs of web pages. It is equally important to manage the names of the files that are being used in your web pages. This especially becomes important with more and more multimedia and other non-html files being used in website.

Author Bio: Quick Recap: Top 5 SEO Experts Tips for 2010 are: – Site speed: site-speed as one of the new parameters – Link Validation – Genuine Content: SEO Experts must maintain genuineness of any content in terms of originality, usefulness and understandability – Managing Duplicate Content: avoid duplicate content in your website

Category: Internet
Keywords: search engine optimization specialists,search engine optimization consultant,seo experts, seo

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