Total Genital Wart Cure is Impossible Without Addressing the Root Cause

Can you feel some tiny growth in the genital or perianal area? You should have it checked immediately, even if the growths are too tiny to bother you right now. May be they are genital warts, or may be not. They can also be Molluscum Contagiosum or Fordyce’s spots or even Hirsuties papillaries genitalis. If they are genital warts, they will eventually grow bigger and cause a lot of discomfort. Do not try to operate on them by yourself. Go and see a dermatologist.

Most people assume that the genital warts are just like pimples and they will go off in some time. In fact, yes, the genital warts often fall off on their own, but that may take months and in some cases even years. So, do you wait that long? Some may have the patience for the long wait whereas most will not have that patience and immediately think of getting rid of the genital warts. Because the genital warts spring up in the genital areas, it is very difficult to treat them.

A lot of care has to be taken when selection the treatment options. All the genital warts treatments must be evaluated and the best treatment must be chosen. The selection of the best genital warts treatments must be done after analyzing the following considerations:

o How long will the genital warts treatments take to dissolve the genital warts?
o Are the genital warts treatments safe and devoid of side effects?
o What will be the cost of the genital warts treatments?
o Are the genital warts treatments painful? If yes, will I be given pain killers or anesthesia?

Time taken to cure genital warts vary according to the mode of treatment and condition of the wart. However, you cannot expect the genital wart cure to be permanent unless you can control the cause behind it. If you are not aware, the genital warts, medically known as Condylomata acuminata are the visible manifestations of a highly infectious disease called human papillomavirus or HPV. The virus enters the body during sexual activities with an infected partner through the minute abrasions that occur during such activities. Once they invade the cell, they enter a latency period of months before manifesting as warts. Unless you can eliminate HPV, there cannot be any permanent cure for genital warts.

Treating the external warts by patient applied medicines like Imiquimod or doctor applied injections like Interferon have some effect on the HPV. Their side effects too are within tolerable range. However, although they are very expensive, the results are not always consistent. You can try Podofilox, if you want to treat your genital warts on a lower budget. However, treatments by Podofilox sometimes produce very bad side effects.

As there is a lot of competition these days, you may even get the discounts on the treatments. To check out these discounts and offers, you will have to keep abreast with all the current happenings in the field of the genital warts treatments. Most cheap genital warts treatments may give you good temporary relief from the genital warts, but the genital warts may resurface as soon as the treatment stops.

If you do not have any faith on these homeopathic medicines, you will have to depend on the prescription medicines. Be careful while undergoing genital wart treatment with the allopathic medicines, especially if you are pregnant. Very few genital wart remover creams and lotions are safe for the fetus. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or if you become pregnant while you are undergoing the treatment. He will find a safe mode of treatment. Cryosurgery, which freezes the warts with liquid nitrogen, is safe for pregnant women.

You should discard all the inhibitions and see a doctor, preferably a dermatologist if you see or feel some growth on the genital and perianal area. They may or may not be genital warts. Therefore, have them diagnosed and if they are really Condylomata acuminata, undertake one of the available genital warts treatments that suits you most and cure yourself for good.

Author Bio: Matthew McMillan is a leading expert in the genital wart cure. His works are regularly featured in online health publications on matters relating genital wart remedies. For more information, visit

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Genital warts treatments, genital wart cure, genital wart remover , genital warts home remedies

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