Training Your Dog Yourself

Training your dog can be a challenging endeavor. There are typically 3 basic options when it comes to training your dog. You can train him on your own based on what you have heard or from asking others.

You can send him to dog obedience class to be trained by professionals. Lastly you may invest in a home dog training study course and train him yourself.

Sending your dog to a dog obedience class is the most expensive of the options. Here we are going to discuss training your dog without direction vs. training your dog utilizing a home study course. Let’s compare the two options.

Learning on your own to train your dog without a training program is indeed cheaper in the short term. You don’t have to pay for the training course. These courses can vary from $30 up to $100 or more. So you may only need to purchase training materials (clicker, treats, etc.).

Training Without a Course

You can learn to train your dog by reading information online and asking others who have trained their dogs. There are a variety of articles, forums, and other information to help you learn how to train your dog.

However, learning this way is not without challenges. You may have to sift through a ton of information to find the correct information. You will find a lot of misinformation so finding what is true versus what is not can be difficult.

Also you must make sure that the bits and pieces of training information that you find all work together. You may find 2 pieces of information that are both true and effective. However, each one can be for different techniques for training making using them together ineffective.

So you need to make sure that you are sticking with one way of training your dog so that everything works together. You do not want to confuse your dog with conflicting training techniques.

Learning on your own may also take longer since you are more likely to make mistakes along the way that need to be corrected. You will then need to undo these mistakes and correct them. Retraining your dog can be more difficult than training correctly the first time.

Benefits of Dog Obedience Course

The biggest benefit of investing in a dog obedience course is that you will receive step by step instruction from proven methods. With this information you will not have to wonder if the information is effective or not since it is proven.

Also you will be able to cut down on mistakes of training your dog since you will use the proper techniques from the start. Cutting down on mistakes will help you to shorten the amount of time that it takes to train your dog. All of the information will work together in stages to correctly train your dog.

So this could possibly also help you save money. One of the major savings will come from cleaning. The quicker that you potty train your dog the faster that he will stop messing your carpet. A well behaved dog will also prevent your sofa from being destroyed when you walk outside for a moment.

Of course the biggest downside of utilizing a dog obedience course is that you will have to pay for it. However, most of these courses can be obtained for less than $50. So they can more than make up for the time and cost due to an untrained dog fairly quickly.

Author Bio: Learn other dog training tips, including puppy crate training techniques by visiting .

Category: Pets

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