Variables in Mind Power Enhancement Therapies

The brain is the central controlling organ for all human activities; any slight brain disorder can have a negative effect on any individual. Most people seek ways to aid better brain functions. There are many remedies and therapies to resolve this issue, but all differ in use and efficiency. Most utilized methods are drugs, yoga practice, hypnosis, and brainwave entrainment. As we shall later learn most of these have acute side effects. After effect withdrawal syndromes may also be experienced in respect to some use of these therapies. One can easily access good mind power enhancing techniques from the use of these therapies, however good guidance is needed in while choosing the best therapy.

Antidepressant prescription drugs are the most popular treatment offered to people with brain disorders. These drugs act by stimulating more production of neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are key to certain aspects of human characteristics, such as addiction, feelings and emotions. A physician can also administer drugs to improve mind power, this drugs increase activities in the brain’s cortex and hypothalamus. The use of drugs can have a long term side effect on any individual. Some short term side effects one can experience are hypertension, insomnia and anxiety.

Yoga practice is also widely used in the mind empowerment arena. Yoga techniques include meditation while sitting in specified positions. Yoga teaches that enchantment of certain words and deep concentration leads to the mind entwining with the body. One needs a yoga instructor to get the full benefits of yoga. The use of yoga as a mind empowerment therapy has been met with lots of mixed reactions in most human societies.

Hypnosis is the act of hypnotizing the mind to reach a desired mind conscious state; this therapy is used to access the subconscious mind. This act entitles and individual to focus on a specific object for the reaction to take place. This method is not effective as compared to the other two, negative feedback have also been reported by people who use this method of mind therapy. The practice has addictive patterns hence making it not the therapy to people who are interested in breaking addictive cycles in their lives.

Brainwave technology is so far the best approach in gaining mind power; this technology introduces the use of brainwave sounds to intertwine with the mind and the body. This results to the mind slipping into various conscious states that are very important in mind enhancement. There are different conscious states in the human mind, namely the alpha, beta, theta all this have unique overall advantages to an individual, for example if someone is interested to have access to better focus and concentration, then Alpha state is the best mind conscious state to target. Deep body and mind healing can be achieved in the theta mind conscious state.

Accessing enhanced mind power through brainwave technology is highly recommended for any individual. This method has no known side effects or after effects. The use of products like binaural beats is very effective in mind transformation exercises.

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Category: Self Help
Keywords: mind power,enhancement therapies,brainwave technology,brainwave entrainment

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