We Can Safely Compare the Genital Wart Medication With a Double Edged Sword

Genital warts are painful, unpredictable and the most recognized symptom of genital human papillomavirus infection. Technically known as Condylomata acuminata, these warts often make urinating, defecation and sexual activities simply agonizing. Warts inside the throat will make swallowing painful. Therefore, those who are suffering from genital warts are often ready to undertake any genital wart treatment to get rid of them. However, you should know a little about them before taking up any treatment.

Genital warts are painful only when they are irritated by contact. If you leave them without treatment, they will enlarge and enlarged warts will naturally be exposed to other body parts more often and will cause more discomfort. Some may ulcerate. Such warts may start bleeding and give off foul smell. Depending upon the position of warts you may find it difficult to urinate or defecate. Intercourse may also become painful. That is why it is necessary to have the genital warts diagnosed and treated at the earliest.

Topical medications for genital warts can also cause burns or damage the skin. Most doctors will help the patients with the application process and guide the patients on how to apply the topical medications in case the patients want to apply that medication on their own. When the topical genital wart medication is applied at home, constant monitoring or the genital warts is very essential. If the genital warts reappear after few months then you need to ask the doctor if the topical medications need to be reapplied.

The success of the genital warts treatment using topical ointments depends largely on the patient himself. The instructions should be followed to the letter. Skipping the schedules from time to time or applying it more than it has been prescribed will harm you equally. Consult your doctor before taking any other medicine. Drug interaction may cause severe side effects. However, if the doctor himself prescribes any other drug that has to be used in tandem you can do so without qualms because the doctor must be aware of the ingredient of each and will not prescribe anything that will interact to produce unwanted side effects.

Following are some topical prescription drugs that the patient himself can apply:

– Podofilox marketed as Condylox, Wartec and Warticon is the first line of treatment for genital warts because of its low cost.

– Imiquimod market as Aldara is a topical immune response cream that causes less irritation than podofilox but may cause fungal infection and flue like symptoms

– Sinecatechins marketed as Veregen is prepared from among other things, green tea leaves and supposed to be having higher clearance rate than the other two and causes less irritation.

Veregen is another topical ointment of Sinecatechins group. It is made from extracts of green tea leaves and some other components. This ointment is meant for treatment of warts outside the genitals or the anus. Just in the case of Condylox, Veregen is not meant for treating warts inside the vagina, cervix, penis or the rectum. It should not be used on open wounds either. It appears to have a high clearance rate then the other two topical medications. However, it does just that; clears the warts not cure it.

Aldara, which belongs to the Imiquimod group of medicines, on the other hand, works by activating the immune system of the body. This genital wart medication helps the body to fight certain skin diseases including actinic, keratosis, superficial basal cell carcinoma and external genital warts. In fact, all the prescription ointments helps to clear the external warts only and each requires you to follow certain precautions to avoid ugly side effects. Using them for too often, too much and too long will not help, but will invite scorching and burning.

In fact, all topical genital wart medications are for external use only and should be used very carefully. Make sure they do not enter in the eyes, mouth, nostrils by any chance. Rinse that part immediately and talk to the doctor. To avoid such accident, wash your hands after each application. As these ointments contain alcohol, keep them away from burning flame. Dispose the used tubes safely. Moreover, try to raise your immunity level, so that the warts causing viruses cannot grow by replication. As long as the HPV is in your body, the warts will keep coming back.

Author Bio: Matthew McMillan is a leading expert in the curing genital warts. His works are regularly featured in online health publications on matters relating to gential wart cure. For more information, visit TreatmentForGenitalWarts.com.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Genital wart treatment, genital warts treatment, genital wart medication

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