What Kind of PA System to Use For Bands?

There will come a time when bands, especially those who just started out, will decide to showcase their talents in many places. They want to make an impression and want their band to be recognized. Since they need to catch the interest of the audience, they need everything to be set up perfectly including the crucial sound system. The problem is, singers ordinarily use microphones that are plugged into the band’s keyboard amp, resulting in their vocals not getting enough power especially when they play on a bigger venue. They need a PA system for their vocals.

The Question Is- What Kind of PA System Should They Use?

When choosing your PA system, there are several factors to consider and some mistakes you must avoid. The point here is you have to outline the needs of your band so that you can have an effective system that corresponds to your budget. There is no need in mentioning brands here but only some points to think about as you go through available systems and how you can choose the best from the choices. So what will be your band’s requirement? Here they are:

1.What would you want to use- separate components or powered mixer? To decide, think whether you prefer to use all-in-one PA systems or separate components. Powered mixer is the same as the all-in-one unit because it contains the mixer that usually has 8 channels, a power amplifier which has two channels for the main and monitor speakers, and some of the basic components that create basic effects such as the reverb and the delay.

Considering that this is your band’s first PA system, then, you have to choose this unit because you need this if you do not have a sound man for your band. This unit is easy to set up. You just need an AC power, speaker connections, microphones and it’s all ready.

2.How much power do you need? You need a PA system that has a power level corresponding to the size of the venues you will play at. If your acoustic band does not need a drummer then you can use less PA power but if your band is on head banging metal style you just need more power in your PA system. Try to purchase the highest power system which your budget can afford especially if you think your band will be performing on big venues.

3.How many speakers can you use? Two main speakers and two monitor speakers are enough. On a small venue, placing them left and right to properly distribute the sound all over the room is appropriate.

4.What about other accessories and the microphones? When setting up your microphones, avoid using them other than for vocals if that is possible. You do not need to stick a mic on the drums. One microphone can produce a fuller sound and the vocals need not to shout just to be heard amidst the sound produced by the instruments. Also, use direct boxes between each device – bass, keyboard, and guitar.

So there you have it- the most basic things you need for your band to get the best impression from your audience. Start with this simple set up first then as your crowd grows bigger go for upper level PA system.

Author Bio: tannoy system pa system

Category: Entertainment

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