What You Need to Know About Debt Consolidation Now

Few circumstances in life are more stressful or nerve-racking as being faced with a huge, nearly insurmountable pile of debt when your income has declined and you need a way out of the mess that your finances have become. More and more families and individuals are discovering that it is a huge task to make ends meet for basic purchases and monthly bills while attempting to meet the monthly financial obligations that they have agreed to. Debt consolidation is one option that people in financial straits to consider as an alternative to bankruptcy.

Debt Consolidation Not For Every Borrower

Debt consolidation is a bit confusing for most people, and not all borrowers who are behind on their loans payments, credit card payments, and other bills are good contenders for debt consolidation. Debt consolidation can leave a significant derogatory mark on your credit report, although the stigma is not as harsh as those who have abandoned their debt and filed bankruptcy. Those who are the best candidates for debt consolidation are those borrowers who have truly become strapped financially to the point that bankruptcy has been considered and have realized that they cannot afford to repay their current lenders as agreed.

Types Of Debts That Qualify For Debt Consolidation

There are many types and kinds of debt that can be included in most debt consolidation. Personal loans (both secured and unsecured), credit card debt, automobile loans, student loans from private lenders, and other types of debt. Student loans guaranteed by the government cannot be included in this type of debt consolidation due to federal regulations.

When consolidating your debts, the debt consolidation company that you choose will look at the total picture of your existing debts to determine the amount of money they are willing to extend to pay off your current lenders. Each debt that you decide to include in your debt consolidation will be paid off completely during the process, and you are left with the responsibility of paying the debt consolidation company.

Advantages Of Debt Consolidation

There are many advantages for certain borrowers when they decide to pursue debt consolidation. The most obvious benefit of debt consolidation is that it allows you to avoid bankruptcy, which can carry a negative notation for as many as ten years on your credit report. Additionally, debt consolidation allows you to make a smaller monthly payment (as compared to the total amount that you are paying to all of your existing creditors), which results in you being able to keep more money in your pocket for the needs you have in life.

Debt consolidation can also cause you to pay less for the total amount of debt that you have incurred than making monthly payments to separate lenders; this is especially true of high interest credit card debt that can literally take a lifetime to repay.

Credit Counseling Post Debt Consolidation

After debt consolidation, it is often prudent to undergo credit counseling to determine if there are adjustments or alterations that can be made in your spending habits and money management skills that will help you avoid getting into a sticky financial situation in the future. Trained financial advisors and credit counselors can help you learn better ways to manage your money and curtail any impulse spending problems that have become a habitual part of your life.

Author Bio: Jessica Peterson is an Unsecured Personal Loan Consultant with more than twenty years of experience. For more information about Bad Credit Personal Loans, no credit check loans, guaranteed loans, personal loans, car loans and other financial products please visit http://www.yourloanservices.com

Category: Finances
Keywords: debt consolidation,credit card debt,debt consolidation program,bad credit loan,unsecured loans,money

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