Which Food Cause Eczema? How to Clear Your Skin Naturally and Without Pain or Expensive Treatments

Once you learn which foods cause eczema, you have some choices about how to clear your eczema breakouts. The problem is, diet therapy for eczema can be overwhelming!

How can you create an eczema diet that is healthy AND that leaves you satisfied without feeling deprived?

What Causes Eczema?

Research studies have learned that eczema is the result of an overactive immune system which is reacting to triggers in the environment that cause allergic reactions.

Your eczema could be triggered by any one of a number of things:

Allergy producing foods
Artificial colors, flavorings or chemicals in your food
Chemicals in your skin care and personal care products
Chemicals in your laundry products or household cleaners
Chemicals in cigarette smoke
Animal dander
Contact with irritating materials like wool

Eczema and Food Allergies

Most of the foods that cause eczema are foods which tend to be highly allergy producing foods.

These are foods which many people have difficulty tolerating. Sometimes when you are allergic to a food you actually crave it more, and so it is helpful to be aware of which foods you FEEL like you can’t live without.

Those may be the foods that actually trigger your eczema outbreaks!

Which Foods Cause Eczema?

The top two foods which cause eczema are wheat and gluten products such as breads, cookies, cakes, cereals flours, pasta, gravies, soy sauce.

Though wheat is the most allergenic of these, there are other grains with gluten such as rye, oats and barley which may also cause eczema reactions.

Dairy products that contain the milk protein Casein are also highly allergic and known to cause eczema outbreaks.

Popular dairy products include milk, cream, cheese, powdered milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

There are many other foods which can cause food allergies which can also cause eczema. Some of these include:

Processed and refined foods
Acidic fruits

Creating Your Own Eczema Diet

Every one of us is unique, and we react differently to different foods. The best way to discover which foods cause eczema for you is to keep a food diary for a few weeks.

Write down everything you eat, and make a note of when your eczema gets worse, and when it gets better.

After a while you may be able to see a pattern between what you are eating, and how your skin reacts.

Then you can eliminate those foods that are causing eczema outbreaks, and be well on the way to clearer and healthier skin.

The Painless Way to Clear Your Skin

Sometimes creating your own eczema diet is not as simple as it seems. What if you find out that your absolute favorite foods cause eczema??!

Ah, I empathize. I used to ADORE peanut butter, and later discovered I was actually allergic to peanuts!!

If your favorite comfort foods are causing eczema, the key to success is discovering healthy and tasty substitutes that you eat instead of the allergy producing foods.

For example, in my case I substituted almond butter for peanut butter. It was a little bit more expensive, but quite delicious and I learned to love it!

When you let go of irritating foods, your body will thank you. You may have to deal with some food cravings for a while, but eventually your body will adapt and you will find yourself feeling lighter and healthier!

Once you know which foods cause eczema, it is possible to move forward into a new and healthier lifestyle which can reduce or even eliminate your eczema symptoms. I wish you much success in your journey!

Author Bio: M Rochell has over 30 years of first hand experience discovering natural solutions to sensitive skin care. For more tips on which foods cause eczema please request our free eBook How to Clear ANY Skin Problem Naturally at http://www.MySensitiveSkinCare.com

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: which foods cause eczema,eczema diet,eczema and food allergies,diet therapy for eczema

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