Why Kids Go to Summer Camp

Overnight Summer Camp is about learning. Most adults think camp is more about Fun than life skills but nothing could be further from the truth.

Swift Nature Camp, a Children’s Summer Camp has provided children the tools they need on their way to adulthood. Here is what some have had to say.

“I have been going to Swift for 8 summers and I love it there. It is like my home-away-from-home. I have met many great friends whom i still keep in contact with. While at camp you participate in many activities and go on camping trips. These activities give you new skills that are useful and make you a well rounded person.I have had many memories that will last a lifetime. The counselors are responsible people who are fun to be around. I have really enjoyed my time at Swift. I highly recommend Swift Nature Camp. ”

Experts agree kids need a comfortable and nurturing environment. Well-intentioned parents do their best to provide this at home. However, kids frequently feel stifled by being left out of cliques or being labeled at a young age. One of the best ways to overcome these labels – and the insecurity attached to them – is by having kids attend a summer camp where they can learn about their strengths, weaknesses, and much more.

Positive camp experiences promote:

* Increase Self-Esteem – Children learn more about themselves, become more self-reliant and more confident in their own abilities. They learn to look after themselves as well as the younger campers. Taking on a responsibility, and meeting or exceeding expectations, helps children to feel good about themselves.

* Learn Respect for Others – Because of group living and team experiences, kids learn to work together for common goals and find their place within the team. New challenges and experiences teach kids to rely on each other and encourage one another. When members of a group accomplish their goals, each team member is rewarded and they respect each other for their hard work.

* Learn Respect for Self – Accomplishing a goal in a safe environment shows a child through doing that he or she can rely on themselves. It makes children feel good about themselves and they learn to believe in themselves.

* Teach Tolerance – Living in a group situation, campers learn to accept each others differences. Regardless of race, religion or beliefs, kids live together (with supervision) and discover that despite their differences, they really are all the same. Through these accepted differences, tolerance becomes a part of life, a much needed skill in today’s world.

* Encourage Kids to Be Themselves – A good camp affords a child a world where they are free from judgments. They are able to be exactly who they are without fear of ridicule. This allows kids the freedom to explore more new things, which in turn feeds the self-esteem cycle.

There are a wide variety of camps available. Some specialize in an activity or interest, such as equestrian, ice hockey, oceanography or drama. Others are general interest camps offering several activities with something for everyone.

Before choosing a camp do the research. Give your child a handful of camps to choose from that you have selected. Some kids are ready for sleep away camp; others prefer a day camp. Talk with the camp directors to learn about their philosophies, expectations for campers and their staff to camper ratio. Visit The American Camp Association for more information, including a list of camps in your area. (www.acacamps.org)

When children have good self-esteem, respect for themselves and others, and tolerate differences, we are making progress.

Author Bio: Swift Nature Camp is a traditional Minnesota Summer Camp for boys and girls ages 6-15. We blend traditional Overnight Summer Camps activities while increasing a child’s appreciation for nature, science and the environment. It great as a Teen Summer Camp or for the first time camper

Category: Recreation
Keywords: advice,information,summer camp, family, vacation, travel, parenting, family,education, teens, kids,

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