Why the NFL Must Get the LMA Done

The team owners and the players are some way apart in putting together a new labour market agreement. If you are unfamiliar with the situation the main bone of contention are the owners wanting the players to bear an increased percentage of the cost of running the team. Simple, eh? Not really, it’s kind of an absurd request, how would you feel if during your performance review at work, your employer asked you to pay for your computer, desk, chair, water from the water cooler, etc. You’d tell him or her where to go. The players of the NFL have short careers and have many of them have serious health problems after they retire. The team owners should be grateful that the NFL has become the pivotal brand in sports, and accept a renewal of the existing agreement. The teams are making more money than they have ever done before, the problem is greed! The salary cap ensures every team has a fair shot and goes through the same process of building their teams through the draft.

The NFL wants to get the labor market agreement done; in fact I believe they may be more devastated than the fans if a resolution isn’t found. The NFL brand has the most to lose; the surge in popularity they are enjoying did not come overnight. The NFL has built its brand to succeed on a global level for many reasons.

One reason is they have refused to give into over scheduling. More games mean more money, right? Not necessarily, most people have no clue when teams are playing each other in hockey or baseball as there is serious fixture saturation. I personally thought there were at least 60 baseballs franchises and was shocked to find out that in fact the MLB has the same amount of franchises as the NFL. Weekly games appeal to the global audience and that is something that other North American sports don’t provide. Fans in the UK are able to identify with NFL teams, they know the weekly schedule, they know who’s playing who, and they know the players.

Not only will the NFL be saying goodbye to all the overseas revenue, they may as well kiss those fans goodbye. Fans in the UK and Europe will lose interest if there is no season in 2011. Think about it, no game from February 2011 to September 2012! The NFL season is short, and fans endure a long wait from season end, but 18 months is a bit much.

The 2nd reason is investors will sink their money into the UFL if it looks like there will be a shutout, and how will betting tips in Las Vegas feel if they have players who won’t have played a down for 18 months and they are expected to predict the moneylines. For example, if the Colts win Super Bowl 45, Payton Manning will be still 34 years old, if the 2011 season is suspends he will be staring down the barrel of age 36!! That’s a big difference in QB years.

Author Bio: Previewing the NFL season with World Cup tips coming soon. nfl betting tips, along with a bunch of other insights into world soccer, rugby, tennis, horse racing, along with non-stop nfl news. Winning is not a sometime thing, it’s an all time thing

Category: Sports
Keywords: sport,football tips,NFL betting tips,world cup,football news,NFL analyis,49ers,nfl news

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