Writing For SEO: Choosing the Wrong Words

SEO has been dominating the web nowadays. You keep on hearing it when it comes to increasing the traffic towards your website. But, if you were being asked, do you know what the meaning of SEO is? In terms of writing, how does SEO and web content related?

It may be complicated at your part to understand these tasks at first but late on, you will discover that they go hand in hand to complete such an important task in promoting your website in an unbiased way. That is, in an informational way.

These types of jobs online can make someone earn more money by just working at home, but it is not that easy to take these tasks for granted. It requires your ability to think cautiously on what to do. A little mistake might ruin your whole work and site that you are working on.

There are millions of websites on the internet right now, therefore, there are a lot of people who keeps on surfing the web. There are those who own such websites. Some of them work for the site to keep it on the top of the most visited list of websites in any search results.

When people talk about writing with SEO in mind, they’re usually referring to the act of repeating targeted keywords throughout the body of their text. In fact, I’ve seen many SEO writing software help in this regard, suggesting synonyms and similarly useful ideas. Problem is, their mind is usually focused on the exact terms they’re trying to rank for, rather than their use of words in the rest of the document.

This isn’t necessarily bad. After all, when you’re trying to rank for certain terms, it pays to focus on them when putting together the text that appears on your webpage. Here comes the quandary: if you work in this manner, you can’t anticipate the less-than-desirable terms you may end up ranking for, attracting a good amount of untargeted visitors in the process.

Let’s say you run a website about “job hunting” and decide to target the keywords: “find job,” “job hunt” and “job search.” If you do your SEO right, you’re likely to rank for those terms. However, if the rest of your text mentions a term such as “blow” (as in, “You don’t want to blow the job application”), you can easily rank for that popular term that puts the words “blow” and that synonym for work together – not exactly the kind of audience you’re looking for.

To put it simply, you will need to anticipate the context of the terms people will be searching for, along with your keywords. After all, those people looking for “that” kind of information isn’t really likely to be interested in what you have to offer. While it wouldn’t hurt to have them see your site and leave, isn’t it better to use the opportunity offered by the rest of your text to draw in readers who can become actual prospects?

Author Bio: See how innovative SEO Writing Software instantly can boost your English writing and watch how NLP technology can help you to write perfect emails, essays, reports and letters. More Info.

Category: Writing
Keywords: SEO, SEO content, SEO writing

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