Writing Website and Email Copy For Successful Campaigns

With all content ensure before you start you identify exactly who you are aiming at. The reality is that we are all aiming at someone to take advantage of what we are offering however what is that persons profile?

i.e. what makes them tick? who is your target audience?

The next most important factor is DO NOT write content to sell your services or goods. What do we mean by this?
In this day and age small companies are using the internet as a key part of building their customer base, keeping in contact with their clients and also using it as a means of advertising.

Having a website is essential today, however it is what you do with it which will determine if having it in the first place was money well spent or money down the drain! This is why online marketing is essential.

The common mistake is that people think as soon as a website is designed, like magic hundreds of customers are going to start flocking to take advantage of the services and products on offer. If this is you and you are about to have your website designed, it won’t happen, you need to give the development of your website much more thought!

95% of websites don’t actually achieve anything. Why? Because they were never designed with the objectives of the business in mind from the start…

Too many websites are designed with the sole purpose of selling products or services.

If you want to benefit from the rewards the power of the internet brings you need to turn your website into a lead generation tool and don’t try and sell from it.

Once you do this your profits will go through the roof!

What Am I Getting at?

Think about the last time you searched online, how many websites did you visit before you actually found the info you wanted? 10, 20 or even 30. Meaning that all the websites you visited that you didn’t interact with might as well not have been there in the first place! This type of behaviour is common for every type of internet user, meaning every day millions of sites are being visited but 95% of them might as well be redundant.

That is what you need to stop! You need to get this 95% of internet users to interact with your website when they visit it. You have to give them a reason for staying on your website and ensuring they give you their data so you can use it to market your products and services to.

Imagine if you collected data of 5% of the users of your website, this would mean you would be generating leads to market to at a later date!

Look at your website as a lead generation tool, nothing more. Write the copy of your website with this objective in mind.

This is why having a website isn’t about selecting the right web developer or technical genius it is about selecting the right online marketeer who can explain this to you. Someone who can give you tips on how your website copy should read, how to generate leads and how to use that data to
maximise your profits.

Online Marketing and web development are two totally different things, one will cost you money, one will make you money!
So how are we going to ensure your audience stays on our website, reads your articles and emails?

The answer is information. Free information! If you can provide your readers with information about what you are offering they will interact with you. We all like to find out more about interesting topics, therefore if a user is searching online for a certain topic that you offer if you have written an article about it they are likely to read about what you are saying.

As they read your article they are likely to click on the anchor text links you have added to find out more which means that you actually start to generate visitors visiting your website, interested in exactly what you do.

If you can get a visitor to your website through writing interesting articles you are half way there, however what you need to do is when you get them to your website is actually offer them something else for FREE i.e. an E Book with more information about what they have been reading about? Why?

The answer is very simple, because as soon as they complete that contact form for further information you have got exactly what you need to turn your website traffic into sales! You have their data! Once you have their email address you can then continue to send Free information about who you are and what you do then suddenly one day that user actually needs what you are offering and who are they going to contact?

At this point they are going to contact you. You have provided them with various free information, from the initial article, to the Free E Book, to the follow up emails until suddenly they actually need what you are offering!

What has happened here…. When a customer walks into a shop on the high street it is because they more than likely need something from that shop, however when we search online we have so much more choice, meaning many times a user searchers online they don’t actually interact with any websites. However if you can actually capture the data of your users and then market to them regularly through email marketing campaigns, when they actually come back to searching online they are more likely just to go straight to your site as you have continually reminded them you are there!

Your website is their for one purpose to collect data and provide free information! Do not forget that. Once you have that data you can use it and then try and sell your products and services. If you think your website will do that for you, you will be very disappointed.

Author Bio: Simon Rickett is an online marketeer who advises entrepreneurs and small businesses how to succeed online. To find out more visit his Simon Rickett Blog

Category: Internet
Keywords: Simon Rickett, Online Marketing, Website advice, email marketing, franchises, Activ

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