Your Future in Article Marketing!

By now I’m sure most of us have heard about the latest craze sweeping the internet with the force of a tidal wave.

It’s all about the future of Article Marketing and the tremendous power this marketing phenomenon has propelled some website to heights never thought imaginable. By writing good relevant keyword rich content and publishing this information on the internet you can make it all happen. The internet is about information and with the number of computers used in online businesses today, article writing has gained in popularity beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.

Each of us through our elementary school years, our high school years and especially in college we all had to write essays on numerous occasions. Most of us didn’t enjoy this arduous task back then, and it’s understandable that we don’t enjoy it anymore today than we did back then. However, with the popularity of article writing with the search engine, now you can make your writings pay off handsomely.

Most individual have valuable knowledge that is worth sharing with others. If your business includes a product or service, then someone can benefit by you sharing your knowledge. By writing about what you know, particularly if you are in a speciality business, you may be considered an expert in your field of endeavor. Since people search the internet for information on virtually every kind of product online, why not be the expert in your field and publish your knowledge. The website that provides the best, most informative information is the site that will get the business.

As a Search Engine Optimization Consultant, my speciality is to promote any business to “Top Positions on Google” and other search engines. Every day without fail, I write about how to get recognized on the search engines with various ideas that have been I proved to work. This is how I make my living, helping people learn the process of marketing online. So every morning I sit down at the computer and write what I feel is worth sharing with the world about a service that I have studied, worked with and generated results that most people only dream about. The point here is rather simple…..Provide information for a general audience and you might just trigger an interest in your business opportunity with that individual.

Not everyone feels they have the ability to write! That includes most of us, however, by writing you learn to write. The easiest way to practice writing is to write just like you talk. Don’t use a lot of big words that you don’t understand because your reading audience probably won’t understand those big words either. Just be yourself and let the rest fall into place.

Let’s talk about some simple ways to help you get started in the profitable venture of writing. First of all it helps to make an outline of what you want to cover in your article. Creating an outline will give you a direction to follow, without straying to far from your article subject. You will have to research your subject matter before you start writing. With this research you will be amazed how little you really know about the product or service your writing about. Knowledge can’t be bought with money; you must learn the process and apply yourself to make it all happen. Being prepared will make the job of writing easier and so much faster.

Your outline will become your blueprint for your article. This will be important if you want your article to be creative, interesting and appealing to your readers. This part of the process of writing can be compared to reviewing the latest update road map before leaving on your 2 week vacation trip. You don’t just start driving and hope for the best, you plan and go over your designated route several times before you load the family in the car and head into the sunset. The same if true with your writings, you need to know where those writings are going to take you and your reading audience.

The following is a short format that works extremely well for most beginners.

– Do some brainstorming and make notes of what you want to write about. – Think of different ways you can capture the reader’s attention about your subject. – Put together a general time frame you’re going to follow for your research. – Review your notes and put into some form of priority that will help your information to flow to the readers. – Now start writing. Write as your talk. People will feel the sincerity of your comments and writings. They will pick up any insincerity, hype or misleading comments. Just be yourself.

Once you’ve finished your article, now it’s time to proofread your article. This will give you an opportunity to re-arrange your paragraph, wording and correct your grammar and spelling. You may even choose to use your first writing as a draft only and decide to totally re-write your article. This is part of the learning process of writing.

No comes one of the most important parts of writing. This included the author bio information telling your audience a brief summary of who you are. This should be rather brief and should include your contact information, web site URL, e-mail and phone number if you don’t mind interested users to call you with additional questions. Make sure you have a live link listed in your bio.

As you progress in your writing skills, you will begin to enjoy the art and science of writing. The more you write the better you will be able to convey to your readers about your product or services. The more people who respond to your information the more money you will make simply because you’re making more sales. This process of article marketing is extremely powerful and some experts predict article marketing is going to be the next big boom on the internet that will make the dot come boom of the last decade look like a church picnic.

Learn the process of writing now, and be ahead of the pack for the next big online boom. You’ll be glad you did.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting


Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting,Top Positions with Google,online marketing, marketin

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