3 Benefits of Using Self Defense Videos

The effectiveness of self defense videos has been widely debated over the past several years. However, there are several benefits of using a self defense video that people either overlook or never consider. These benefits include: affordability, ease of use, and access. Here is a more detailed look at these benefits and how they can help you.

One of the biggest reasons that people choose to use a self defense video is cost. Self defense videos are cost effective in several different ways. First, the videos are often much more inexpensive than paying for a few classes of self defense. Second, when you purchase a video, it is a one-time fee. Once you own it, it is yours forever. When you take more formalized classes, you will be forced to pay every week or every month until you quit taking them. Additionally, you cannot take a “refresher class” whenever you need one. With a video, you watch it any time that you want to refresh you memory.

The second reason that self defense videos are so popular is because they are easy to use. They offer convenience in a variety of ways. The most obvious is that you can watch it whenever you have time. You don’t have to cram it into a busy schedule, but rather use it when you have the time. Videos also allow you to go at your own pace. If you don’t understand something or are having problems, you can re-watch it over and over until you completely understand it. The opposite is true as well, if you understand something the first time, you can move on whenever you want. In classes, you can either be left behind or waste time waiting on other people to catch up. They are also convenient because you don’t have to go anywhere to use them. There is nothing worse than getting off work, driving home to change, driving to class, and then driving home again, battling traffic the whole time.

Another benefit of self defense videos is access. One the biggest problems many classes is that they focus more on specific martial arts than actual self defense. A self defense video is focused entirely on self defense. Additionally, finding a class that fits your needs can be difficult, regardless of how big or small of a city you live in. Then, if you do find a class, it could be full or be at a time of day that you can’t possibly attend. With videos this is never a problem. You get access to it whenever you want, wherever you want. You can even take your videos with you, which is an excellent bonus if you have a job that has you traveling a lot.

Once you look at all of the benefits of using self defense videos, it is no surprise that more people are turning to them. They are extremely inexpensive compare to traditional classes, they are very easy to use, and you can have access to them regardless of where you are.

Author Bio: For more details about self defense videos and self defense video, please visit : closecombattraining.com.

Category: Education
Keywords: self defense videos

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