3 Ways to Compliment Your Self Defense Training

When learning self defense, many people will attend a class or two, but will do most their training on their own. Learning self defense is increasingly important, but that doesn’t mean that you need to sign up for different martial arts classes every night of the week. The truth is, you can do your own training in the comfort and safety of your home. While you shouldn’t have any problems handling this yourself, there are some things that you can do to compliment your self defense training. Three of the best things that you can do for yourself is purchase some self defense videos, stay in shape, and be mentally prepared.

The first thing that you should do is get your hands on some quality self defense videos. Even if you are not going to be practicing on a consistent basis, these videos are great to have on hand. As a general rule of thumb, you will forget at least 70% of everything that you learn, and this includes what you learn about self defense. If for no other reason, self defense videos are an excellent way to refresh your memory. Even if your only self defense training was attending a free local class, these videos can serve as the perfect refresher course. You don’t need to watch them everyday, but it is best for you to review them once every few months. You will be surprised how much you can forget between viewings.

Another great way to improve your self defense training is to simply stay physically fit. There are a lot of benefits to leading a healthy and active life and self defense in one of them. Simply put, if you are physically stronger than your attacker, then you have a better chance of succeeding. You can do simple things like going for a quick jog to get your heart rate up, or even a brisk walk. The key is to stay physically active. One of common problems that arise as people fall out of shape is the loss of precise hand-eye coordination and body-awareness. By staying active, you remain in control of your body because you know how it will react in its current state. Ask anyone who used to be physically fit, but hasn’t done any exercise for a few months. It feels like you have to get to know your body again, because it reacts differently than it used to. Additionally, it does very little good to create an opening for an escape if you aren’t in good enough shape to take advantage of it.

A final way to compliment to your self defense training is to simply stay mentally sharp. The earlier you identify a potentially dangerous situation, the better chance you have of defending yourself. If you are lost in your thoughts or obliviously talking on your cell phone, then there is a far greater chance that someone could catch you off guard.

Self defense training is always a good idea, but sometimes it just isn’t enough. Fortunately, there are easy steps that you can take to compliment your training. By having some self defense videos handy, staying in shape, and staying mentally aware, you will be able to dramatically increase the odds that you will successfully defend yourself, if you are ever attacked.

Author Bio: For more details about self defense training and self defense videos, please visit : closecombattraining.com.

Category: Sports
Keywords: self defense videos

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