3 Ways to Make Money by Writing Online

One of the ways that you can use to make money online is by writing. Most of the web is about content and that is what most of people are searching for on the Internet. If you want to get into the game of writing there are actually three ways to do it.

1. Start your own website and start writing the content for it. Your source of money could be advertising in the form of Adsense or from other advertising networks like kontera and of course from putting affiliate links to related products on your website.

2. Start writing and put your articles to blogger or revenue sharing websites like hubpages. Blogger allows you to start your own blog that you have the full control of and you can put advertising or affiliate links yourslf. It is like having your own website but it is hosted on blogger and as you can understand they can delete it any time they want if you violate their terms of services. Revenue sharing websites like hubpages, squidoo, or infobarel allow you to put your content on their pages and you get a percentage from the revenue of the advertising they serve to the readers.

3. Write for others as a freelancer. You can go in various marketing forums and advertise your services wherever is allowed, or join networks like elance where you can bid for article writing projects. The good thing about that method is that you get the cash when you finish writing and you know how much money to expect. The bad thing, especially if you are a new one and you start right now, you have to work for bottom low prices until you get some positive feedback that would allow you to start charging more your customers.

Those three methods have their negatives and positives and depending on your goals and your strategy for the future you can choose one accordingly. The first option is about building your own online business, your website or blog. It may be hard at the beginning as almost none would be visiting your site until you put enough back-links on the web and your SEO efforts would start bringing results. But once that first period passes you would be making more and more money as your site grows and attract more visitors, provided you keep working daily on it. You even have the option to sell your business for a nice profit or even start outsourcing its content and free yourself from the constant daily work that is required.

If you choose the second option you would start seeing money more immediately as those networks have a lot of authority in the eyes of the search engines and huge numbers of daily traffic. You also won’t need to build any back-links or do any other job besides writing. Plus the articles you are putting there will keep bringing you passive income for many years in the future. Of course you are in their mercy and you never know when they will decide to close your account, stop sharing revenue, or go out of business. In essence you have very little control over your, or should I say there business. And since I am a big fun of Robert Kiyosaki I believe that making money is about having control, the more the better.

Last, the third option is in essence like having a job. You get the work done, you get paid, while others benefit from your intellectual work. But if you are in need for cash and you can’t wait, it is a trade-off that makes sense. After all, the bills are running and you need money in order to pay them. Plus you are not accepting any risk like you do in the other two cases. No one can assure you that your one website would become a successful money making one or that your articles will keep pulling visitors in the network and advertising revenue.

So you have to decide what is more appealing to you considering you immediate life needs and the future ones. Of course you may adopt a strategy that combines two or all of the above methods in various degrees. That way you can balance the risk that you accept and the ratio of today to future rewards to a level that suits you best.

Author Bio: Find out about the countless ways that someone can use in order to Make Money Online today. The Internet awaits you to open your business and start profiting. Learn the 3 basic ways that you can use to Make Money Writing Online

Category: Writing
Keywords: Make,Money,Online,Writing,Website,Blog,Freelancer,Networks,Advertising,Affiliates,Internet

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