A Checklist to Make Sure That Your Web Site Makeover Has it All

So you finally completed the ambitious revamp project for your website; the design is all ready and you simply love the final version that your web designer showed you, so then, should you go ahead and make your revamped website live? That would actually be a very big mistake; because unless you have been through a checklist that irons out any anomalies and glitches that the new site may have, you are just asking for trouble. So here is a checklist that will prove incredibly valuable if you have revamped your site.

The right time: Launching a new product or an updated website at the right time can make a big difference to your profits; it is highly recommended that you do not re-launch your website over the weekend on Friday r on a holiday, simply because you ca expect several issues with a re-launched website including problems with the shopping cart, web pages, the blog or the images used and you may not have your we designing team on hand to sort them out. It is also advisable to have your web designer with you all the way through the launch and for a day or two after it so that he/she is around to take acre of any issues that may crop up.

Test, Test and test again: The more browsers you check your site against, the more certain you can be that all your clients will be able to see the site the way you intended. A very common problem encountered with revamped websites is that the design looks amazing at the designers’ office; it may even work very well on your office computer but when you put it on a variety of browsers; things may go horribly awry. So, ensure that you test your site by parking it in a test location and ask your viewers to offer feedback.

Often visitors bookmark certain web pages and when you upgrade your website and change the file name you lose the bookmarks and any back links that those pages ay have got and it would be incredibly stupid to lose such valuable SEO commodities. An easy way to bypass this situation is to make sure that you use the same name for your old and new files; make sure that the new name of a web page corresponds with the old ones and your links and bookmarks will stay intact even after the upgrade. If you have an old page that does not need to be upgraded make sure that you redirect to the closest equivalent. It is common for web designers to overlook this vital point, so take the time out to let your web designer know that you are expecting this

If you have a website, you must have used SEO strategies to improve your search engine ranking and if so, make sure that you do not change the page titles. Most SEO experts will tell you that if your website received many visitors in the past; do not change the old page titles because if you change the title you will lose all built up ranking.

Get rid of boilerplate. This usually happens when designers use a standard template and they do so very often but they don’t necessarily tell the client about it. The template can have prewritten text and this will make extra pages visible to your visitors.

If you use the website to sell products make sure that everything is in order by running a sample order and subscription from the revamped site. You may also want to test the list sign up and the ordering procedures to ensure that they are working as planned. All the testing work should be done while the site is still in the test location; there will simply be not time to sort things out after the site launch. There are times when the thank you message comes out all garbled or it simply does not seem right after the makeover. You need to make sure that you have the ability to fix all glitches immediately; putting a non functioning site online could result in the loss of several potential customers.

Before you upload the new pages to the web server, make sure that you delete all the old pages; do this right before you upload the new pages or immediately afterwards

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is an SEO Services consultant specializing in Marketing Physician Practice Marketing and Medical Marketing Consulting.

Category: Internet
Keywords: medical Marketing,seo,medical, doctors, internet marketing, online marketing,

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