A Guide to Prostate and Prostate Problems

Men of the age group 50 to 70 years can be often seen victim of prostate ailments. Men under 50 suffer from Prostatitis and men above 50 face the problem of prostate enlargement whereas men above 70 years are also at increased risk of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is one of the commonest forms of cancer and runs next to skin cancer.

What is Prostate?

Prostate is a gland of the size of a walnut that produces some of the fluid that makes the travel of sperm easier by moistening the path till they are outside. It is located between the pubic bone and rectum in men. As the age increases, the size of the gland increases in size too. If the gland grows too big and registers abnormally growth, it should get treated to avoid any serious health implications.

Symptoms of Prostate Problems:

1)Frequent trips to bathroom

2)Pain while urinating

3)Urine Leak (No control over urination)

4)Pain in the lower region of body.

5)No satisfaction after urination, feel the urge to go again vacate bladder.

6)Difficult erection and even more painful ejaculation.

There are some factors that play significant role in the development of prostate:

-Age Factor: If you are man and above the age of 50.

-Family Factor: If you have a family history of a close relative suffering from prostate ailment.

-Diet Factor: If you have a sedentary lifestyle and your blood cholesterol level is high.

Understanding the Prostate Ailments:

Irritation in the gland is known as Prostatitis. The burning sensation, difficulty in urination, fatigued and fever in acute cases are the tell tale signs in the age of 50 that they might be suffering from it.

For the men over 50, the prostate ailment is known as prostate enlargement or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). It affects the bladder movement and the control of urine especially at nights.

Men falling in the age group 60 to 70 years can have prostate cancer in chronic cases but BPH not necessarily involves any implications of increased risk of cancer.


Prostate patients need to understand that prostate ailments do not mean the end of life. With proper medication, clinical supervision and precautions they can also lead a happy life.

-Watching Your Steps: Rush to your doctor right away if you feel that one of the above symptoms correlates with you. Even if they are not too bad, it does not hurt to get an expert advice and as they said, precaution is always better than cure. So, better hurry than to be late! If you are in 40’s or running 50, make your clinical checkup a habit.

-Medicines: You can be prescribed antibiotics or muscle relaxants to ease the effect of bacteria and muscles near the prostate respectively. Ask your doctor about your medicines and what possible side-effects the medicines can cause in order to mentally prepare for it.

-Surgery: This is the last resort and it is not rocket science nowadays, either. There are many ways to treat the prostate problems or enlargements through surgery. Your doctor is the best person that can tell you the right treatment according to the need and the risks involved.

-Others: Alternative medicinal therapies, radio waves, and lasers are some of the options that are in trend as well.

– Dietary Habits: Patients should cut down on spicy food, drink lots of water, watch out their alcohol consumption and smoking habits.

Author Bio: Prostate problems are common in men age 50 and older. Sometimes men feel symptoms themselves, or sometimes their doctors find prostate problems during routine exams. Doctors who are experts in diseases of the urinary tract (urologists) identify and treat prostate problems.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: prostate problem, prostae problems, symptoms of prostate

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