Adding Humor to Your Writing

Humor is a powerful tool that a truly skillful writer can employ to turn a humdrum piece into a memorable read. Of course, humor doesn’t necessarily mean throwing a random joke in between paragraphs.

The essence of including humor in your content is to give life and brighten your writing with the words and statements that you carefully choose. Everyone knows how writing with humor can do. That’s why the need to carefully select the proper words to write a statement that contains humor is really important.

Many writers failed to do this. Most of them are caught off guard and have written such a bad joke. Why this situation needs to be avoided? That’s because bad jokes can offend your readers. It serve as a frank statement or an insult to their part.

Instead of providing such a humorous statement to make them at least smile at your writing, you end up personalizing your reader’s feelings. As a result, your writing will only end up in the trash bin.

But you don’t want that to happen, do you? That’s why you need to avoid it at all cost and prefer to write a funny line that will hook up your reader’s interest.

Writing with humor can be learned and practiced which end up as one of your important skill in writing. However, not all writers are aware of applying humors in writing though there are some who accidentally include it as what their mind dictates.

Always remember that each and every one of use really likes to laugh and complete our day with a cheerful feeling. Used in regular writing, it’s usually more subtle. Here are a few ideas for putting them to work.

As relief for overly-controversial pieces. Heavy subjects can leave readers uncomfortable. Using humor in such situations can make even the headiest materials more palatable, as it provides temporary relief to let them gather their wits.

As a way to show irony. While irony is synonymous with deception and hypocrisy, it can feel less severe when presented in a comical light, especially when done to absurd extremes. Done this way, the irony isn’t only amusing, it also becomes highly prominent.

As a way to spice up a drab subject. Some subjects are just drab with no story to tide them over. Injecting humor is one of the best ways to liven it up, giving it a colorful quality it otherwise won’t enjoy.

As a way to provide emotional highs. Comedy is fun. Reading an essay or a story filled with well-placed humor, in fact, is very entertaining, to the point that you might eventually forget what you read, but still recall all the laughs that you had.

Like all literary devices, humor is best delivered using crisp, clear writing. Believe me, even the funniest punchlines will fail to make a mark if a reader has to struggle on their way to getting there. Make sure you take advantage of writing improvement software tools to help you on that end.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: humor, Humor Writing, writing with humor

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