Algonquin Personal Trainers Pin-Point Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes

Personal Trainers in Algonquin, IL pointed out the top weight loss pitfalls that may have caused your unsuccessful weight loss program. After endless hours, sweat, and in some cases tears are spent in the gym are you still unhappy with your results? Take a look below and see if some of these highlighted reasons are the reason you are not seeing results.

1.Post Workout Meal

Most people say that after a tough workout they receive food cravings. Whether it’s true or not on your part, try to refrain from eating those high carbohydrates, high fat, and sugar loaded foods. Instead grab a protein shake or eat a high protein meal to nourish your muscles.

2.You Don’t Track Your Food Intake

You may believe that you’re eating a little amount without being aware you are doing careless snacking which destroys your diet. The best way to monitor your food intake is to keep a log of what you are putting to your mouth so as not to commit this weight loss mistake. Remember, if you bite it you write it.

3.Grocery Shopping While Hungry

When you go grocery shopping when you are hungry, you will be buying what you feel like eating and you fail to pick what’s the best food for you. Keep a list of foods that are included in the diet plan.

4.Not Eating Enough of the Right Foods

You usually skip breakfast, snack here and there, and when you can no longer resist hunger you load up your stomach during dinner. This is a recipe for disaster. You need to eat the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in four to six small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism running on high.

5.You Set Unrealistic goals

You set goals that are unrealistic and un-measurable. You cannot expect to reach a long term goal in a short term timeframes. If your goal is unrealistic you will not succeed. Instead, you will end up in depressed and right back to where you started if not worse.

6.Focusing on Short Term Results

There are those who want to lose weight for they an important occasion like a prom, wedding, or vacation. This is always a great reason to lose weight and get toned up, however, after the event has passed they gain the weight back.
Focusing on a short term result is only a good idea if you also have long term goals and results in mind. The goal in a weight loss program is to help you turn the habits into a lifestyle change.

7.You Are Too Busy

You cannot spare time for exercising regularly due to your busy schedule. Eat the right food and stick to the plan despite of your busy schedule. Find at least 30 minutes a day to do physical exercise. Do not allow your busy schedule to cramp your diet schedule and Algonquin weight loss program. I hear “I am too busy” and I say “You are too lazy!” No excuses.

8.Weighing Yourself Daily

Naturally your weight fluctuates every day and from morning to night.. Checking your weight everyday will frustrate you. It is recommended to check your weight on a weekly basis. Stick to your program and the results on the scale will follow.

9.Unsupportive Environment

You go through a diet without support and motivation from your family and friends. They usually tempt you to cheat here and there and try to get you to give into the things they are because they are too lazy to go on a diet themselves. Find a good support system and make sure they hold you accountable.

10.You Make Excuses

At the end of the day there is only one person to blame for your failed weight loss. You truly have to be committed to losing weight and making a drastic lifestyle change. The faster you can make the change, stop pointing fingers, and developing some discipline that faster you will see those unwanted pounds fall off.

Losing weight in Algonquin can be easy if you religiously follow the program. Personal trainers of Algonquin are readily available should you seek their assistance and expert advice on how you go about the Algonquin weight loss program effectively, safely, and successfully.

Author Bio: Karina Bukala is an Algonquin Weight Loss Trainer specializing in helping clients Get The Body They Deserve In the Time They Actually Have through Targeted Total Body Training. Check out Weight Loss In Algonquin, IL to learn the 3 secrets most Algonquin Weight loss clinics don’t want you to know

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss, lose weight, weight loss program, algonquin, Il, lose weight, NW suburbs

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