Basic Tips on Graphic Design For Beginners

Graphic design is a complicated form of art that needs practice and mastery of the rules in creating visual designs. It is highly in-demand in different forms of media from companies needing logos to movies with special effects so being a graphic designer is indeed one of the most lucrative jobs in the technological industry nowadays. For those who want to start on this profession, knowing some basic tips such as doing visual designs can help a lot. The first tip to follow is to always outline the project before moving to the actual production. Creating a simple list of the presentation and arrangement of subjects on the picture can help a lot in making the design neat and coordinated. This is very important in this industry because a graphic design is intended to communicate a message to its audience even with just one glance at it.

The next step is to define the message of the picture. This is very important for the audience to keep them virtually interested with the design. A cluttered layout of pictures can never work and can only confuse the focus of the viewers so keeping the design concentrated on communicating the message is very helpful. In graphic design, an artwork should only communicate one message at a time. Even though the message of the design may contain different ideas, its main idea should only compliment one concept. For images which viewers can see for short durations only like road signs or company logos flashed on the end of commercials, they should contain the least number of elements to make them more understandable at first glance.

Also in creating graphic design, one must know the simplest yet most effective ways of laying out the graphics and photos. In creating layouts, examine how the elements blend with each other. In using texts, refrain from using fancy fonts that cannot be easily recognized when seen at fast paces. As much as possible, include one picture at a time in each design. The picture used should also contain all the elements that can communicate the message quickly. For designs that have more than two photos, visually grouping the objects in the lay out should be done. The elements should be grouped according to colour hues, position, alignment, theme, and direction of the objects.

Effectively using colour contrast is also another important rule in graphic design. In creating pictures, the most number of colours that can be used is three and the least is two. Using colours more than the maximum number can make the picture look like a rainbow while only having one colour for a picture can be too boring. In determining the colours to use, choose the hues that are closest or perpendicular to each other in the colour wheel because they can complement to each other better. Using a light colour amidst a dark background is the best way to give emphasis on the message of the design. Patterns can help make a design better but only if they are properly used.

Author Bio: design studio Manchester web design Manchester

Category: Computers and Technology

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