Bing Crosby/Bob Hope Movies

If you have been looking for some really great, audience pleasing Bing Crosby/Bob Hope Movies then you should know that there are a total of 7 such movies from these two amazing artists of yesteryear. Road to Singapore happens to be the very first of the Bing Crosby/Bob Hope Movies series that was released in 1940 thus marking this particular year (2010) the 70th anniversary for this very first series of the amazing duo.

In 1941 the second installment came as the Road to Zanzibar and the third called Road to Morocco was released in 1942. After a three year break, the Road to Utopia and the Road to Rio were released in 1945 and 1947 respectively. The second to last episode, the Road to Bali, was released in 1952 and ten years after pleading fans demanded it, the last of the installments Road to Hong Kong was released in 1962. These seven Bing Crosby/Bob Hope Movies masterpieces are still considered to be among the best in the comedy genre to this very day.

The entire series is focused upon the comic feud between the funny comedy team of Crosby and Hope. They usually quip themselves with some funny lines that is intended to offend the other person but comes out sounding so hilarious that you can’t help but laugh out loud. In one of the Bing Crosby/Bob Hope Movies, after Hope and Crosby lose a singing competition, Crosby tells Hope that for the next competition he would rather rather team up with Frank Sinatra than perform with Bob again. In yet another episode, we find Dorothy Lamour steamily kissing Bob, by the end of which, his decorative curl toe shoes actually straighten out. Hope thinks about that for a brief moment and then jokes that if Dorothy kissed Crosby like that, perhaps his crooked nose would straighten out!

In most of the movies, Hope usually verbally picks on Crosby’s nose and Crosby also never seems to forget the modest paunch and the protruding ears that Hope sports. Thus Bob is referred to as everything from bean belly to lobster ears along with several other platitudes. Two adults acting like junior high school kids trying to show who’s better than who might seem silly but it certainly works for these guys!

Bing Crosby/Bob Hope Movies are not only fundamentally comedy based, but they were also created to make them more educative. They not only set their movies in some really exotic tropical areas but also started the series during the beginning of WWII, thus drawing a parallel between the unrealistic and the realistic world – the uncommonly paradisiacal tropical location versus the horrific activities of war!

Bing Crosby/Bob Hope Movies are also supposed to be the first kind of spoof movies clubbed with adventure. The lead characters are used as outside underdogs who usurp some of the corrupt and influential power mongers. If you get to watch any of these movies, you are sure to be offered a whole assortment of situations. With such movies, you will definitely get as much laughter as you want, with the right mix of information and the right amount of adventure.

In addition to their combined movie careers, both Hope and Crosby made many other movies and each starred on their own television shows.

Author Bio: Learn more about Bob Hope by visiting this Bob Hope Radio Show page at or Bob’s Chrysler Theatre TV Show page.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: Bing,Crosby,Bob,Hope,movies,films,TV,television,show,series,family,drama,comedy,road

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