Brook Trout Fishing Essentials

To be successful at brook trout fishing, you need to understand the finer aspects of trout nature. Only when you are aware of where the trout live, their natural prey and their various kinds, will you be able to succeed in your fishing expedition.

Here are some essentials to get you started.

How to Identify Brook Trout?

Several species of freshwater fish that belong to the salmon family (Salmonidae) have been given a collective common name, i.e., trout. This name is used to address fish from all three categories in the Salmonidae sub-family. The first one is ‘Salmo’ and this includes species that live in the Atlantic. The second genre in the sub-family is ‘Oncorhynchus’ and Pacific species belong to this category. The final category known as ‘Salvelinus’ includes fish called charr (a.k.a char) as well as brook trout (a.k.a brookies.)

Brook trout have a life span of about eight years. They have a fairly long streamlined body and their mouth extends beyond their eyes. These trout normally have silver colored bellies and have blue-gray, olive or black colors on their bodies. Apart from this, they also sport blue colored halos and bright red spots. Thus, they are relatively easy to identify. The biggest distinguishing feature of this type of fish is their spotted dorsal fin and worm like markings on the back. Their tail fins are generally square and can be slightly forked at times. You can also identify them by looking at their lower fins, since their lower find have a white front edge and are black inside. The remaining parts of their lower fins are reddish-orange in color.

One thing to note here is that males normally sport a bright orangish-red color along their sides in fall, as that is when brook fish breed.

Which are the Ideal Brook Trout Fishing Locations?

Brook trout fishing should be carried out in cold waters that have medium to fast currents, with temperatures ranging from 57-60 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also carry out this kind of trout fishing in water that has a high percentage of oxygen in it like spring fed streams. Thus, cold running water in the creeks, rivers and lakes of the Rockies contain trout. You should fish in clear shallow water bodies that have a lot of gravel at the bottom during breeding periods. They normally look like they are suspended in water and can be found below rocks and logs. The mature, large fish can be found in deep pools and they move to shallow waters to feed. Thus, you can use such shallow waters during your fishing expedition to catch a good sized fish.

Which Brook Trout Fishing Lures Should you Use?

Brook trout feed on various kinds of bait like small fish, crustaceans, terrestrial and aquatic insects, worms and zoo plankton. Hence, lures and baits that resemble these can be used while fishing. The most commonly used trout lures and baits include spinners, spoons, wet flies, dry flies, crickets, worms and even grasshoppers.

You can fish from the bank or wade into the water. If you plan to wade into the water, the idea is to do it slowly without splashing too much. Once you are at the center, no matter how shallow it is, cast your line in the direction of the bank. Brook trout fishing carried out this way can be really rewarding.

Author Bio: JB is a trout fishing enthusiast and the writer of “The Essential Trout Fishing Guide“. For more great information on trout fishing, visit

Category: Recreation
Keywords: brook trout,brook trout fishing,trout fishing,trout fishing essentials,brook trout feed

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