Build a Brand Name For Your Website?

Companies spend a significant amount of money, manpower and time to plan exactly what they are going to do and how they are going to do it, so there is no reason why you should let planning take a back seat when you are trying to get your website up and running. For instance, start by developing a plan for what the website is meant to do, any other sites of the same niche that interested you etc and show this to a bunch of web designers; get quotes and proposals from at least three web designing firms before choosing one. Don’t get caught with your pants down by requesting the nerdy kid on your block take care of the web designing for you, Remember the adage, you only get what you pay for; well, it also holds true in case of web designing if you want a professional looking website, go to the professionals.

With the designing of your website in the right hands, you need to consider all the other factors that go into making a great website; this includes search engine optimization efforts. Now, there are only a bout a million websites in the cyber world each doling out advice on how to improve your search engine ranking unfortunately a lot of them actually contradict each other so what should you do? Look for a reputable establishment that offers SEO services however, it would do you a world good if you know the ins and out of search engine optimization before you et in touch with a company so that nobody takes you for a ride. Speak to the web designing company about ensuring that website is designed for SEO.

Envision a brand name for you website: Like all other businesses, branding should be an integral part of your business plan as well and here is how you can create a brand name for your business:

Start backwards: People often start working on a project at the beginning and go on till they have reached the end; however, if you don’t know what you want, how can you expect to get it. In other words before you go out on that shopping trip, you need to know exactly what you want to buy so that you can go to the right store. Similarly, when you think of creating a brand name for your website, think about how you want your future customers to perceive your business; with that in mind, plan the following:

A slogan: A slogan does not have to be complex, it can just be a simple catchy phrase that defines an aspect of your business for instance, the toothpaste that works. It can be something that somebody in your office came up with to define the product or the company. Unfortunately, many small and midsize businesses underestimate the use of slogans and end up with something silly and cheesy

A mission statement: No, you are not planning World War III but you still need to give your customers a promise that will make them come back for more. Remember that one sentence on a movie poster that made you buy the tickets or the line in the TV guide that made you watch the next episode of ‘Desperate Bimbos’, well that’s what we are talking about here.

The personality of your site: This is another very important aspect that will etch the image of your website in the minds of your potential buyers. The principle is very simply if you want to draw male audiences to the cinema to watch a male flick, you need to make sure that everything from the poster to the trailer and from the movie stars to the background music appeal to the male flick living audiences; for instance, you simply cannot play ‘only you’ as the back ground score for Terminator. Similarly your website should be designed to reflect the preferences of your expected audience.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is an Organic Search Engine Optimization consultant specializing in Marketing Internet Marketing Services and Social Media Consulting.

Category: Internet
Keywords: medical Marketing,seo,medical, doctors, internet marketing, online marketing,

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