Chengdu Iron and Steel Group Eliminates the Backward Production Capacity

Editor’s Guizhou Province yesterday from the backward production capacity in 2010 out of the working conference on understanding, Chengdu Iron and Steel Company based out backward production capacity is completed. Vice Governor Li Chengyun participate in the meeting, deputy secretary of the white just to make the exchange floor on behalf of the government of Chengdu, the provincial government signed in 2010 with out backward production capacity, the mission objectives of the book.

It is understood that in recent years, Chengdu, to work out backward production capacity can actually adjust the economic structure, transform the economic progress in the door way. On the city’s small steel company launched a public clearing out, closed the six steel plants, eliminate 10 small rolling mill. Chengdu Iron and Steel Company behind the current production technology and equipment has been completed based on out.

From the beginning of October 2007, total investment 330 million yuan in Chengdu finance for the city in all high-energy, high-damage process behind the 44 small cement manufacturing companies to the close, direct out backward cement production capacity 9.375 million tons, saving standard coal 906,200 tons / year, 9562 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions / year. In closing, while daring to introduce market mechanisms, the use out of backward cement production capacity of replacement of the environmental indicators, has introduced the 500 Italian society Lafarge Corporation, Taiwan Far Eastern companies such as giant new dry cement production company, so that the new Chengdu dry-process cement production capacity rose from 3.3% in 2000 up to the current 100%.

In addition, beginning in 2005 is located downtown on the three Wayao Power Plant, Chengdu Thermal Power Plant and Power Plant of Huaneng sincere and earnest implementation of the closure of the transfer. At the same time for the suburbs (city) County, West Peng 6 power plant and other power plant implementation of the closure of thermal power out backward production capacity 496,500 kilowatts. The end of 2009, Chengdu, close the coal mine were 392 pairs of rectifying and out backward production capacity 6.65 million tons, out of coal mining industry to achieve a public goal.

It is understood that the province this year, out of the list of backward production capacity the company a total of 382 ranked companies, estimated savings of 2.973 million tons of standard coal, which accounted for 168 of Chengdu. These companies mainly in electricity, steel, non-ferrous metals industry, coal mines have closed down 50 wife and children. Was included in the national mandate of the Ministry of Industry, companies must ensure the completion of this year on September 30 closed missions.

In addition, the province will be suspended this year approved the record of “two high (high energy, high damage) and one low (low with values)” and the capacity for simple projects, to ensure the “five” complete reduction of the public. Meanwhile, out on the unfinished task of the city behind the production (state), the implementation of “regional restrictions” to suspend the industrial engineering aspects of the government approval and approval.

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Keywords: steam station iron,folding hand trucks,carbon steel ball valve,

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