Choosing a DNA Testing Center

With modern advancements in forensic science, the importance of DNA testing has increased manifold. DNA testing means to check mutations or matches in an individuals’ DNA thread. DNA testing has become economic and cost – saving venture, and is used for checking paternity claims, genetic health disorders, family planning, prenatal testing, etc.

There are numerous DNA testing centers around the world, but not are credible or worthy. In some place, the DNA centers do not even have proper licensing certificates or accreditation / approval from legitimate authorities. The thriving business of these centers lays partly with the consumers too since they tend to prefer cheap costing DNA centers as compared to legitimate centers.

For a start, the reports submitted by fraudulent DNA testing centers are not verifiable or credible. In a way, we actually risk important life saving tests at the mercy of non – accredited DNA testing centers.

Here are some tips on choosing a legitimate DNA testing center:

1.Check whether the center is an accredited institute or not. The accreditation certification to institutes is only given after through examination of the testing processes, standards, accuracy, and level of commitment to the task. The accredited centers are checked annually to confirm whether they are following strict rules and procedures. Any mishap on the testing center part results in cancellation of accreditation.

2.Check whether there are any pending legal or federal matters against the DNA testing center facility. If there is, steer away from such centers. Legal cases means problem with the center testing facilities or any other violation of rules and regulations. Such centers may not be able to guarantee credible DNA reports to customers.

3.Against a newly functional DNA facility, it is better to select the one who is in the field for long as they have more expertise, experience, skill, and knowledge. An experienced staff guarantees accurate results surely. This is not to discredit the capability of newly established DNA testing center facilities but when the necessity is high, experience counts!

4.A legitimate DNA testing center will always believe in the motto of ‘double testing’. Double testing of the same DNA swab means getting results that can be comparable and thus, able to provide the consumer with more credible information. Discrepancy in double testing means wrong result and requires retesting.

5.Legitimate DNA testing facility will ensure that the number of genes tested actually affects the overall DNA result. Such centers do not misappropriate with DNA samples; their focus is only upon correct testing.

6.A legitimate DNA testing center will charge only according to the current market prices. Exorbitant prices or too less price means problems with their verifiability. Of course, the testing charges depend upon the type of testing done, however, the average fees should remain between $100 and $800.

7.A legitimate DNA center will provide utmost privacy regarding testing, storage of data and information, and accessibility to that information. These are not general medical files but highly classified data that should not be released without prior permission.

Author Bio: Have questions about paternity? Learn everything you wanted to know about DNA Paternity testing and more by visiting

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: paternity, paternity test, DNA testing centers, testing centers, DNA

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