Debunking 6 Common Fallacies About Canines

There is an abundance of canine-related information easily available online, with much of it posted by experienced veterinarians and professional dog trainers. Given this, it is startling that many owners continue to embrace a number of misconceptions.

To be fair, some fallacies are almost believable. They are based on a misunderstanding about the nature of dogs. Others, however, border on ridiculous. If believing false notions about canines was harmless, there would be little cause for concern. Unfortunately, some of the falsehoods currently in circulation lead owners to make decisions that negatively impact the health of their pets.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at six fallacies that have become relatively widespread. The purpose of what you’re about to read is to expose them and clarify the truth.

1 – Canines Consume Feces Due To Nutritional Deficiencies

Dogs eat feces for several reasons, none of which have anything to do with a nutritional deficiency (unless a canine’s survival is at risk). The reasons include taste, a plea for attention, anxiety, and even boredom. Owners can curb the issue by picking up excrement often and placing a head halter or muzzle on their dog.

2 – A Dry Nose Indicates Illness

No, it does not. If your pooch has a dry nose, it merely means his nose is dry. Nothing more. This can happen when the weather is dry, as is often the case during the warm months in low-humidity areas.

That said, if you notice swelling, irritation, or visible signs of illness (e.g. his nose is running for a prolonged period), it’s worth calling your veterinarian. Otherwise, there is seldom a need for concern.

3 – Dogs’ Teeth Do Not Need Brushing

In fact, they do. Like people, canines deal with dental problems. Plaque can form on their teeth and eventually, turn into tartar. If the tartar is allowed to remain, it can evolve into gingivitis. If the condition is allowed to persist, it will turn into periodontal disease, which leads to tooth decay, abscesses, and even infection. Brush your pooch’s teeth on a daily basis to prevent problems.

4 – “Mutts” Are Healthier Than Purebreds

Sometimes, yes. But not always. A mixed breed will inherit the genetic disorders of his parents. His parents inherit them from their parents. And so on. Hence, it is entirely possible for a mutt to inherit a particular disorder since he is inheriting genes from multiple breeds.

That said, a professional breeder will go to great lengths to identify and screen disorders prior to breeding two dogs. Genetic ailments occasionally filter through, but there are safeguards that prevent it from occurring. Consequently, it rarely happens.

5 – A Dog That Wags Its Tail Is Friendly

This is usually the case, but there are times when wagging implies a threat. For example, if a canine’s tail is positioned straight up, and wags with short waves, there is a good chance he is aggressive. Likewise, if his tail is positioned between his legs, he likely feels anxious, and even threatened. In both cases, keep your distance.

6 – Dogs Can Eat Anything

There is some truth to this. Many canines will eat any food placed in front of them. The problem is, many foods can have a negative effect on their health. For example, chocolate and caffeine are toxic to canines; grapes can damage their kidneys; beer and other alcoholic drinks can potentially be fatal; trimmings of fat can lead to pancreatitis.

A related problem is that many owners feed their dogs table scraps (again, due to their willingness to eat anything). This can lead to obesity, which exposes canines to a number of other health issues.

Part of being a responsible owner is knowing how to provide proper care for your dog. The first step is being able to discern the differences between truth and myth.

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Category: Pets
Keywords: fallacies about dogs, truth about dogs, facts about dogs, about dogs, dogs, pets

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