Diet Tips: How to Organize Your Fridge

Planning on losing weight? Want to get rid of that bulge, that somehow, despite all your best efforts, seems to stick around no matter what? Then you need to get smart, you need to get tactical, and start leveraging everything in your favor, putting every factor to your advantage. Which means looking at your fridge like a battleground, a field on which to deploy your troops. Where do you put what? Does it matter how you organize your fruits, veggies and junk food? Can you in fact positively impact your diet plan by strategically placing certain food items in certain locations? The answer is a clear YES. So read on, and then head over to your fridge, and get to re-organizing!

First off, what do you see when you open the fridge? You’ve got all your shelves, your veggie drawers at the bottom. What’s on your top shelf? What do you see first whenever you open your fridge? Think about it this way: food producers pay supermarkets extra to have their products placed at eye level, because this causes people to pick their stuff first. A Cornell University study found that people were 2.7 times more likely to eat healthy food if it’s in your line of sight. Thus if you place your junk food and sodas and unhealthy food on the top shelf, you’ll reach for it first. Ideally, you should do the following: place your fruits, veggies and other nutritious snacks at eye level. Place all your sugary snacks, junk food, and guilty pleasures out of sight in the veggie drawers. Out of sight, out of mind.

Second, let’s talk Tupperware’s. Let’s get serious here: do you have tons of little ones, or several big ones? The reason I ask, and it’s not because I’m getting fresh, is because you are more likely to eat more often from smaller containers that look like snack sized meals. If you instead place your food in large containers, you’ll be less likely to pry them open and snack on them. Also, try to consolidate your leftovers into meal sized containers. This will help you create the right sized portions, which you’ll only attack like tiger when lunch times come around, not during the 45 second intermission of the re-run of your favorite Soprano’s episode.

What else? Oh yeah, shopping. If you’re fridge is packed full of food, if it’s stuffed to bursting and jam packed with choices, you’ll be more likely to just eat whatever is in there because your willpower will be sapped. You’ll feel like there’s an excess of food available, and thus grace like a placid, vapid cow. Instead, shop more frequently and buy less, so that you’ve only got enough nosh in the fridge for the next few meals. This will help you feel like food reserves are low, which in turn triggers complex and recondite chemical reactions in your medulla oblongata that make you think you should go easy on the eating. This scarcity will translate itself into reduced consumption, which means less food in your tummy!

So there you go. Some basic fridge tips. Follow them, lose weight, achieve happiness, no matter how transient it may prove to be!

Author Bio: Guys, organizing your fridge is just the beginning. You should exercise too, and what better way than the infamous P90X Workout? Celebrities, pro athletes, regular mom and pops, everybody is doing it and getting awesome results. Check it out! Or go all cardio and do the Insanity Workout, which will shred you like you won’t believe.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: junk food,diet tips,losing weight,obesity,fat,nutrition plans,food,diet plans,fat loss,weight loss

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