Does Your Website Need an SEO Audit?

If you want to ensure the success of your SEO campaign you need to know where to start, what steps to take, what will be the anticipated result, what is important and what is simply not worth spending the time and money on. In other words you need careful planning before you start implementing your SEO strategy.

Most small and mid size businesses have limited resources so how successful these ventures are will be determined by the owner’s ability to streamline and optimally use these resources. There is no sense in tweaking your website, if it is not going to have any impact on the amount of traffic that the site receives or the conversion rate, so plan effectively if you want true and lasting growth and a good return on your investment.

The first thing that you need to do before you plan your SEO strategy is to understand how seraph engines work and what are the factors that are important to search engine ranking now, there is certainly no dearth of information on the topic, unfortunately; there is a lot of ambiguity if you pick things up from different sources while one site may claim to have found the age old secret to search engine supremacy; others may call the very secret a dud so you need o have a good understanding of what maters. You need to know exactly what the search engine crawlers do and how they use the data from the websites to determine the page rank What you need is a website SEO audit so lets talk about how you can give your site a thorough analysis:

The Technical Audit:

Sometimes certain technical glitches make the website or at lea some web pages invisible to search engine crawlers and they are not going to rank what they cannot see; which means that even if you site and content are excellent you will miss the opportunity to climb up the ladder on the Google search page and your investment in these factors will essentially be wasted so your technical audit should include the following:

The visibility of the content and the cleanliness of the code: To determine this, ask yourself if the site is aced with a lot of Java script coding and if the code is unnecessarily bloated and if the content generated by the Java scrip or otherwise is really SEO friendly.

Page load time: Even though there are no clear indications, several web masters believe that the page loading time can also have an impact on Google page rank; one thing is very clear though that visitors do not want to visit websites that take too long to load so your file sizes should be small and do not insert too much multimedia in the page.

Navigation: Ease of navigation is another factor that which will impact the number of people who come back for seconds. If the navigation structure uses Java script or Flash, you need to ensure that it degrades for browsers that do not support such codes like search crawlers.

URL: a good url structure should include keywords; the session id’s should not be found in the page URLs and the URL should not be too long.

Title: The titles if your site should be unique from these on the other pages of your site; they should also be keyword rich

Indexing: Make sure that the complete site has been indexed by the search engines.

A technical audit can uncover some major anomalies that can pull down your search engine rank.

You also need to audit the content of your website to determine if your title tags, heading tags and body of the content are keyword rich. The site navigation system should also use relevant keywords. The content should be link worthy and readable so it should be written for the sole benefit or search engine crawlers.

The trust factor: This is a very important aspect of the Google algorithm; in simple words it related to the number of links that your site has received. Google considers a site that has links from other reputable sites which are not ranked lower than PR3 as a sign of trust and hence it is inclined to give such a website a higher rank.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is an SEO Marketing consultant specializing in Marketing Chiropractic Marketing and SEO Blogs Consulting.

Category: Internet
Keywords: medical Marketing,seo,medical, doctors, internet marketing, online marketing

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