Dollar Store Merchandise Supplier: Your Key to Profits

There’s no two ways about it, dollar store are definitely popular. They attract customers like magnets with their discounted wares, especially during periods of recession. No matter if you own a dollar store already or you’re planning to, it’s important to find a reputable dollar store merchandise supplier. Your supplier will use his or her expertise to help you obtain the right merchandise for your store at the best price, so you are positioned for success with your business venture.

Dollar store merchandise is sold at very low prices, so you need to stock your store with deeply discounted inventory that you can offer to your customers at a profit. A supplier that’s good can get you the items you need as low as 30 cents and sometimes less. You will get the best discounts when you are able to buy non-perishable products in bulk and then store them until needed either at your store or in off-site storage. Buying only non- perishable items this way will eliminate any worries about selling items by a particular date due to an expiring shelf-life.

In your search for a supplier, look for one that can offer a broad array of products. Dollar store wholesalers should be able to help you obtain quality merchandise in multiple categories, like:

Seasonal Merchandise

Baby Items

Make-Up and Toiletries





Food Products,


Household Goods

Your supplier can arrange convenient delivery schedules for your merchandise as well as helping you obtain necessary inventory. In addition, arrangements can be made for delivery drivers to unload pallets in your storage area for you. These added services offered by the dollar store merchandise supplier can make your life easier and eliminate a few tasks you would otherwise have to take care of.

Good quality merchandise is critical to the success of your store so it is of vital importance that you chose a reputable supplier who will consistently deliver the products your customers desire to buy. To start your supplier search talk, to non-competing dollar store owners in neighboring areas or look online.

Once you feel you found a supplier who will deliver quality merchandise at the discounted prices you need, proceed with caution ordering only a small quantity at first. Placing a small order will probably mean you won’t get the bulk discount rate, but you’d be taking a big risk placing a big order with a supplier you don’t know. It’s better to test a supplier out and be certain they will offer good customer service, quality products and on time deliveries before relying on them as your primary supplier.

Even after you’ve settled on a supplier you like and trust, it’s always a good idea to try the services of other wholesalers. Your supplier’s business model can change drastically, especially if they are facing a situation where their product source dries up or starts asking substantially higher prices. By trying other suppliers you’ll have a back-up wholesale source and be prepared if your primary supplier radically changes the way they do business with you.

As a valuable customer, you should expect your dollar store merchandise supplier to help you obtain the products that are the right fit for your region. Plus, some wholesalers will offer a designated account manager to work with your business to help expedite orders when needed and schedule deliveries. A designated manager can be very helpful in your business, especially while learning how much inventory you should keep in stock and when you should order seasonal merchandise.

Lastly, as you are drafting your business plan, you should consider what kind of dollar store you wish to operate. Some dollar stores stick to their namesake and sell everything for a buck or less, while other shops will also carry some more expensive merchandise as well. Whichever store type you chose will have an impact on the supplier you’ll need. If you’re not sure which type of store is most suitable for your region and would like assistance you can contact the SBA or your local Chamber of Commerce for access to free start-up advice.

Author Bio: The quality of your merchandise will determine the success of your store. Don’t risk dealing with a supplier that has non-existent customer support, consistently delayed shipments, or poor quality products. Click on dollar store merchandise supplier and get the additional information you need to locate reputable wholesalers in your area.

Category: Business
Keywords: dollar store merchandise supplier, dollar store wholesalers

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