Easy Tips to Train Your Cat

Felines like dogs also likes the reward that comes with pleasing their owners. Training is always dependent on the owner’s preferences. An untrained cat will tend to pee and scratch everywhere. This can be very stressful. Maintaining an orderly home with a pet cat will mean going through training. Training your cat may be difficult but it is possible. Patience, time and care are the ingredients to a properly trained cat. You can use these few cat training tips at home.

Teaching your cat how to use a litter box will be the first cat training tip to restoring your home’s order. Start training your cats early on as kittens. Your bathroom is the best location for your cat’s litter box. After meals, playing and after each nap time, put your cat to the litter box. Watch over them until they finish doing their business. A loving stroke or a treat can be your reward. Remember to praise them when they use the litter box. You may have to initially place them inside the litter box on the first few days of training. Keep encouraging your cat to visit the litter box. Positive reinforce usually works well for cats.

If your cat scratches furniture, people or anything that gets in the way then the next cat training tip if for you. Any home owner would not want to have their homes get destroyed by cat scratches. Cats scratching people is even worse. Control this behavior with regular training.. Provide a scratching post for your cat and position it near the favorite object to scratch. Wait until your cat is about to scratch your furniture and then carefully place its claws at the new and real scratching post. To lure it away from its current favorite object to scratch, place a scratching post right beside it. Physical disciplinary acts are not advisable for cats, since this will only cause nothing but fear. Use products with stron scents that cats hate on your furnitures to keep them away from it. This usually helps and you get home to find no new scratches. Introduce new toys that can get your cat’s attention for a long period of time.
A well trained cat can be a very rewarding pet.

Different Cat Training Devices

Cats are more difficult to train than dogs. You will need a lot of time and patience in order to successfully get the results you want when dealing with cats. When training cats, you have to keep them interested and in order to do this you have to introduce different cat training devices. The introduction of different cat training devices allows you to be more creative with the training techniques you do and at the same time helps you in training the cats.

One of the devices you can use in training your cat is a scratching pole. If you want your cat to stop scratching your floors and your furniture you have to make them unappealing for your feline. You have to find out your cats favorite scratching object and base the specs of the new scratching post on it. The scratching post should have the exact same texture at the favorite object to scratch. Place the scratching post beside the favorite object and at the same time make this object unappealing for your feline. You can do thing by covering it or sprays it with an odor that your cat doesn’t like. There are also many devices that can help make objects unappealing for the cat. There are solutions that you can wipe on furniture that will make the cat turn around. There are also anti scratch tapes that will frustrate the cat because it can’t scratch it. There is also a scratch mat that can take the place of the scratching post.

There are also some high-tech devices that can help your control your cats. There are censors that can tell if that cat is approaching an object that it shouldn’t be near. All you have to do is place the censor near the object and if the cat passes by, the censor will either spray it with water or will make a very loud noise. These devices will discourage the cat from approaching objects and they will also relate the sound or the spray to something bad.

Another device that can be used to train a cat is the different types of litter for the litter box. Find the type and texture of litter that suits your cat. When you find the perfect one, your cat will be more encouraged to do its business in the litter box while avoiding little accidents inside your home.

There are many other devices out there to help you train your cat. Choose one that you really need the most.

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Category: Pets
Keywords: Training Your Cat, people search, home business, affiliate programs, money

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