Employment Success Tips: How to Improve Your Motivation at Work?

Tip #1 – Dress for the Part

One important part of getting promotions is dressing for the part. If you don’t look presentable on a daily basis that may factor into your boss’s decision not to promote you. So dress for success. Take a look at how other employees dress, and ask yourself how you can improve your dress attire.

Tip #2 – Create a Career Map

Create a map of your career that shows where you have been and where you want to finish your career (perhaps in upper management or perhaps as CEO). Along each step of the way, have a plan for how you will move from one spot to the next. Creating a map of goals will motivate yourself and guide you to your destination.

Tip #3 – Find a Good Mentor

One good way to find out how to lead and how to be successful is to get advice from a great mentor. This mentor could be your boss or could be a co-worker who is highly successful. Either way, find at least one mentor and try to get as much as you can get out of the relationship.

Tip #4 – Find Someone Who Gets Promoted and Work with Them

Similar to finding a mentor, try to follow people closely to get promoted. Ask yourself what qualities they have that ultimately make them so promotable. And then try to copy those qualities

Tip #5 – Never Say “No”

One good way to demonstrate that you are responsible is to always say “yes” to difficult and unsavory projects. No matter how much you don’t want to do them, accept them anyway and demonstrate that you are management material.

Tip #6 – Don’t Be an Apple-Polisher

Most bosses will appreciate it if you are kind and respectful to them, but if you go out of your way to suck up to them, it will usually be perceived poorly. Instead of respecting you, they will see you as someone they cannot trust for a straight answer.

Tip #7 – Perform a Gap Analysis

Perform a gap analysis of what you are missing today in order to be worthy of the promotion. Think exactly what things you will need to do in order to position yourself well for it. Ask yourself how you can improve your skills for any future goals or obstacles.

Tip #8 – Prioritize Your Work

Going forward, try to prioritize your work. Try to determine which projects are “urgent,” which projects are “important,” and which projects are both. And then attack them in the correct order. When you prioritize your workflow, you will find that you are quicker on completing tasks.

Tip #9 – Master Your Job

Mastering your job won’t be enough to get you a promotion, but it is without a question the best place to start. So, if you think there is significant room for improvement, then getting working to master your job.

Tip #10 – Stay Alert

Stay alert for important information about promotions and job openings. If you find these opportunities quickly and exploit them, you will greatly improve your chances of getting promoted.

Author Bio: Learn how to get a job promotion or find a new career and how to write a resume today! Visit Michelle’s website, http://www.FastJobResume.com and learn how to write a cover letter and find employment.

Category: Career
Keywords: career, job promotion, writing a resume, find a job, job search, workplace

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