Everest Poker: Datamining the Mountain

Everest Poker is an online gaming community with a story to tell. It began as a small online provider of games, which was fairly immune to the impact of poker handgrabbers and datamining. Aside from this, most computer programmers believed it was simply not worth building one – the community was very small and it would be easier and more revealing to work on supposedly superior poker rooms.

The rise of Everest

Fittingly enough for a poker room named Everest, this company is now one of the largest and most successful in the world. Its excellent customer service, gaming experience and alluring promotions have ensured its continued success – so much so in fact that the very same computer programs have now built a handgrabber.

The Everest handgrabber

If you are familiar with poker datamining then you will almost certainly find the Everest Poker handgrabber simple and efficient to use. If you are not then don’t worry – the Everest handgrabber has excellent functionality and has been created to distill all the necessary options in neat, intuitive boxes.

If Everest Poker is your chosen provider then the handgrabber should be considered as essential kit. One of the main reasons for this is because, unlike some other poker rooms, it is extremely difficult to buy hand histories for this particular provider. Therefore, other than choosing the unworkable option of manually monitoring the various different poker rooms, the only way to get reliable information is with the handgrabber.

The face of poker is changing

It is certainly true to say that the online version of poker is different to its traditional roots. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that it should be approached in a slightly different manner. If you don’t recognize the new options and possibilities that have been opened up you will find yourself at a disadvantage. Everybody else will, of course, be exploiting every single loophole imaginable. When you next sit down at an online poker room, ere is a high possibility that other people will know more about the way that you play the game than you expect!

For these reasons, we recommend that poker datamining and the task of researching your rivals should be approached with the same care, diligence and importance as the art of bluffing and calling the bluff. If you really want to succeed online and make your playing experience not only an enjoyable one but a lucrative one, then proper research is now an essential element of the game.


The introduction and overwhelming success of online poker rooms has created almost limitless possibilities about the game of poker. Whilst it is unlikely that this form of the game will ever completely replace face – to – face combat, it is clearly here to stay. However, all players should enter the arena with their eyes open to the new opportunities and potential pitfalls. This will help them to maximize their abilities and, with any luck, make sure that they win more hands than they lose!

Author Bio: Jake is an avid poker player, who writes articles about poker datamining and handgrabber software. If you would like to try datamining on Everest Poker, Jake has written a step-by-step guide to downloading and using the Everest Handgrabber that will help you get everything up and running in 10 minutes.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: poker, gambling, casino, software, advice

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