Facts About Stun Gun Amperage and Voltage

The stun gun is one of the self defense devices of today that is available in the market with different models and designs. It is used by all sorts of people from varied walks of life most especially those who want added protection. It is also a weapon designed for police officers to help them in their line of duty which is to safeguard the society, prevent crimes, subdue any suspects and of course protect their own selves too. All of this can be done with the help of the power that a stun gun contains. Two terms might come to your notice as you purchase this kind of device. They are voltage and amperage.

When you speak of amperage, you can relate it to the measure of electrical current that flows in an object. The unit of measure used is amperes and is abbreviated as amps. This is the amount of electricity that is being used by the object for it to work. For instance the amperage of the stun gun is 3 to 4 milliamps which is already considered low and non lethal. The amperage of some of the appliance at home can reach to more than that of a stun gun that it can accidentally kill someone.

On the other hand, voltage is commonly measured in the unit of volts and it is involved with the potential energy that an object can have. It speaks of the power when a stun gun is involved. Stun guns have different voltages and they can vary from one model to another but all of them can reach to a million volts and more.

A stun gun generally has a high voltage and low amperage. Basically, it has stored enough potential energy that can be used to even penetrate the electrical power to clothing depending on the type and thickness. The stun gun amperage is low which makes it a safe stunning device for personal protection. These two terms are related and specifically detailed once you wish to buy a stun gun.

With the stun gun voltage and low amperage, it works by taking down an attacker. The device can be directed to the skin of an assailant and even through thin clothing it can take its effect. It is generally for self defense, wherein the person hit by it will experience neuromuscular incapacitation. This means that the nervous system is interrupted by the electricity discharged by the stunning device thus the movement of the muscles is affected. There is temporary muscles spasms, pain and weakness which are good indications that the attacker will not have the chance to harm you.

Knowledge about the stun gun amperage and voltage is important because this will help you fully understand how the stunning device works. It will help you realize how powerful the device can be and it is an effective weapon for self defense. Aside from that, you can really say that it is a safe device that you can assure yourself that you will not kill someone but instead use it only for personal protection.

Author Bio: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of BestStunGun.com which provides the best selection of stun gun and pepper spray for self defense. To learn more on how these products can save your life, please visit http://www.beststungun.com.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Self defense, stunning device, stun gun, stun gun voltage, stun gun amperage, personal protection

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