Fat Makes Lean
With the current constant push to reduce the intake of fats in the diet, it is easy to forget that certain fats are essential for health. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) must be supplied from the diet. Other fats, although not essential, are powerful health promoters. Both essential and non essential fats also called lipids are required for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and related nutrients.
The two families of EFAs are the omega-6 family based upon linoleic acid (LA) and the omega-3 family based upon alpha-linolenic acid (LNA). The essential fats make up significant portions of the nerve tissue of the brain and elsewhere. They are building blocks for the body’s production of hormones (including the sterol hormones such as testosterone and estrogen) and the production of hormone like signaling compounds (such as prostaglandins). The immune system is regulated by essential fatty acids and compounds made from them.
The Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an omega-6 family fatty acid nutrient. Under ideal circumstances, it is made in the body from the conversion of linoleic acid. GLA serves as a precursor to the family of hormone like substances or “activated fatty acids” known as the prostaglandin (PG) series called PGE-1. This means the prostaglandin family “E” derived from GLA. The PGE-1 family is involved in anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm, anti-infection, and similar actions in the body, including reducing the “stickiness” of the blood. PGE-1, in other words, is a family of “good” compounds made from omega-6 fatty acids.
Unfortunately, there is also a “bad” set of compounds that is made from omega-6 fatty acids, as well. The second family of prostaglandins (PGE-2) made from the omega-6 linoleic acid involves the production of arachidonic acid, a fatty acid already abundant in the American diet. The PGE-2 series activates aspects of the immune and other systems. In excess, it leads to inflammation, menstrual cramps, asthma, heart disease, and many other problems, including obesity. These are all possible results of the chronic activation of what is known as the arachidonic acid cascade, Among its other duties, the PGE-1 family serves to control or to turn off the PGE-2 family.
Most of us need a lot more of PGE-1 and a lot less of PGE-2. However, Syndrome X turns this equation on its head. High levels of insulin strongly increase the production of PGE-2. At the same time, the same factors that produce Syndrome X act against the production of PGE-1.
Many factors can prevent the conversion of linoleic acid to GLA and from there to PGE-1. These factors include deficiencies of the vitamins B3, B6, C and biotin, as well as inadequate intakes of the minerals magnesium and zinc. Too much alcohol, too much saturated fat, the consumption of hydrogenated (trans-fatty acids) and heat-damaged fats, and many other dietary factors are involved. Moreover, many people (especially those who tend to put on weight) have difficulty in transforming linoleic acid into GLA simply because they naturally produce relatively little of the enzyme needed for this transformation.
Author Bio: Georgiy Kharchenko, selling: Fastin, ECA STACK, Phentramin D, lipodrene with ephedra
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: burn fat, weight loss, diet, fatty acid, omega-6, lose weight, nutrients, ephedra, buy ephedra