Fiction Writing: The Elements of Plot

In fiction, the plot refers to the action that transpires during the course of the story. Together with the character and the setting, the plot makes up the body of your writing, craftily relayed by your own abilities with the help of your writing composition software. It’s the storyline, consisting of a deliberate series of events that carry an innate significance and pushes the theme forward.

Fiction writing can be tricky for beginners. But having a passion in writing can help greatly. Fiction writing needs to be attention-grabbing and which also makes your readers feel excited about the plot of the story.

Without any thrills in fiction writing, this will only make it worthless and all your efforts as a writer will be gone into waste.

If you want to have an appealing fiction writing, you need to use and apply some elements in order to make it work.

One of the most important things to focus in writing is how the plot of your story flows. Having a writing goal and an ending towards your story is always planned when making your plot.

Without a scheme on events will took place in your writing, you will most probably consume all your time doing nothing and you will most likely produce a weaker fiction writing unlike other writers did.

Since having a plot for your writing can be a useful thing, you need also to include how are all the cast of characters play in your piece.

There are a lot of elements that you should keep in mind when writing a fiction story and while making your own plot.

However, don’t you ever forget that learning how to write a language well is one of the most important elements in writing.

Plots combine a number of elements that allow it to accomplish its goals of relaying the story to your readers.

Explosion. An explosion is a powerful challenge or event that grabs your readers’ attention, hooking them into paying attention. It’s that gripping and thrilling component that sets up the remainder of the story.

Conflict. It refers to your main character’s ongoing struggle, either against his inner challenges or an external force. Overcoming the conflict (or failing to succeed in your attempts against it) typically sets up your story’s climax.

Exposition. Every story needs some amount of background in order to make light of. The exposition takes care of it, allowing you to set up your context.

Complication. These are the problems that hinder the protagonist from the intended goal.

Transitions. Some scenes will be naturally disjointed, especially when you’re angling for effect. These elements, which could be an image, symbol or dialogue, will join them together.

Flashback. Usually employed as an exposition technique, it entails the character remembering something from an earlier time.

Climax. It’s the peak moment in the story, the time when the action reaches its height.

Falling Action. After the peak, comes a gradual falling. It’s the way things are.

Resolution. Every conflict needs to be resolved, lest leave the reader torturously hanging.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: elements of plot, fiction writing, plot

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