Five Reasons to Become a Sperm Donor

There is a huge demand for sperm donors from all over the United Kingdom and from all walks of life. But why should men like you go out and become a sperm donor? Here are the top five reasons why you should at least consider the possibility.

1. National Shortage

Due to a national shortage of sperm donors many women who need this type of fertility aid are denied the opportunity of seeing their dreams of parenthood becoming a reality. There are many women who have to depend upon men such as you to have any chance of having a baby. Single women, women in lesbian relationships, and even couples where the male has either a fertility problem or a genetic or heredity disorder need sperm donations.

Donor sperm is used for home, or self intrauterine (IUI) insemination. This involves artificially inserting donor sperm into the sperm donor recipient’s uterus, in order to induce pregnancy.

Now recipients who are in a heterosexual relationship usually want to match the male partner’s characteristics to those of the sperm donor so that any resulting child will look as closely like the partner as possible. Here lies the reason why so many different types of sperm from many differing males are needed. This is why all sperm donors have to fill out sperm donor profiles which contain their characteristics so that recipients can match details as closely as possible.

2. Doing Something Self-less

Sperm donors get paid for expenses and any time off of work that they need by recipients, but they do not get paid for the privilege of donating their sperm. Hence sperm donation is a very self-less act. For sperm donors do not receive any financial reward for producing the sperm.
However there is a reward in knowing that by becoming a sperm donor and donating your sperm, you have in fact helped someone make their dream come true. Without your decision to become a sperm donor they may not ever have been able to become a parent.

3. Shows you Have Excellent Quality Swimmers

Only the best sperm makes it when it comes to sperm donation. Not just any sperm can be donated; it has to be sperm of excellent quality. This is probably the main reason why there is such a shortage of sperm donors; adequate sperm from the average male just does not pass muster.

Just because men get turned down for sperm donation does not mean that their sperm is in any way flawed, nor does it mean that they would not be able to father children What is does mean is that sperm used in sperm donation has to be of the highest quality. Sperm must be strong enough to endure the travelling involved with transportation, the hot and cold temperatures and the confinements of storage. So if you become a sperm donor and subsequently as a result of your sperm donation your recipient has a child, you can pride yourself in the knowledge that your sperm is of excellent quality with outstanding motility.

4. Not being used

In order to become a sperm donor you need to be aged between 18 and 50, and free from any health problem, with no heredity or genetic disorders. Many married men decide to become sperm donors after they have completed their own family units. This may be to pass on the joy of parenthood to others, or maybe because they know that they are in possession of something precious which is not being currently used.

Your precious swimmers are tightly bound and not doing anything, so why not release them to someone who is going to be eternally grateful for the donation. And face it the work is not that strenuous and it will not be long before you make some more.

5. Become a Parent without the Responsibility

Donating sperm and fathering a child as a result of the donation does not in the UK make you responsible for that child. The recipient couple or individual become the legal parents, so this makes it ideal for those who would like to put their sperm to use, but who do not want the worry, hardship or financial burden of being a father. This is possibly why many gay men decide to become sperm donors. Also by fathering a child you know your sperm is fertile and of excellent quality but you get none of the responsibility, just a huge feeling of pride and satisfaction in helping someone out.

However should you decide to become a sperm donor you need to be aware that any children you father due to your sperm donation have the right to be given your details when they reach the age of 18. Sperm donors can no longer remain anonymous.

Deciding to become a sperm donor is a truly noble thing to do. By helping people realise their dream, you can also feel a sense of pride for helping out in a national shortage, doing something for completely the right reasons, take a pride in knowing you have above average sperm quality, father a child without any legal responsibility and use something which would otherwise be wasted. Your decision to become a sperm donor is a really gallant one, pat yourself on the back and relish in the fact that you will be completely changing peoples lives and offering them a dream come true which they will appreciate forever.

Not many people can say that… but you can!

Author Bio: This article is contributed by Alison Pullen from the ConceptionDirect Publishing Team. She works together with founder Nigel and writes fertility and relationship articles. You can find more about how to Become a Sperm Donor and ConceptionDirect by visiting their website.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: become a sperm donor, sperm donor, donor sperm,

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