Football: Improving Your Agility

If you are a football player then you know that agility plays a large role in your performance on the field. From youth football leagues to the NFL, agility drills are an integral part of any training regimen. Agility is one area where players can invest time and almost always see great results.

Muscle flexibility is one of the most significant signs of an agile player. A player that can move quickly, turn sharply and move explosively is considered to be an agile player. You can transform yourself into one of the most agile players on the field with time, dedication and a few particular drills.

There are many different exercises that can improve the way a football player moves. Some of these exercises require equipment like ladders, ropes and cones. Here are some exercises that are sure to improve your agility before the next time you step on the field.

Shuttle Drill

Designate a number of different spots to run. These spots should differ in distance ranging from 20 yards to 100 yards. Run as fast as you can to the first designated spot. Jog back to the starting spot. The minute you reach the starting spot turn and sprint to the second spot that you have designated. Again, jog back to the starting spot. After reaching the starting spot, turn immediately and run to the next spot. Do this as many times as you can until you cannot imagine running one more yard. This drill is designed to increase stamina and to teach trainees how to control breathing. The quick turns will also increase agility.

Run the Ladder

This is one of the most common drills used to increase stamina, stepping and agility. A variety of equipment types can be used for this drill, including ladders, tires, ropes and stakes. A ladder is usually placed on the ground and players are required to run through it by only stepping once in each section. Players are forced to bring their legs higher and take further steps when tires are used. Numerous variations of these drills can be used like making players sidestep through the ranks of the ladder. The options are endless.

Figure Eight

The figure eight agility drill is one of the most elementary drills used. It requires three similar objects like cones. Space each object an equal distance from the other. These are usually placed about one to two feet apart. Players start at one end of the objects and are required to run a figure eight through the objects as fast as they can. Once a player reaches the end of the three objects they must turn around and run back through them. This drill can be done as a relay with two teams or as a timed drill. Players can really increase their stamina and agility skills by running figure eights for set amounts of time, like 30 seconds.

Regardless of the drills you decide to incorporate into your football work, improving your stamina and quickness will make a huge difference on the football field.

Author Bio: Emily is a yoga instructor at Essence Yoga Studio, they are located in Mesa Arizona with Yoga Classes for all skill levels.

Category: Sports

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