Global Machine Tool Industry Development

Countries Around the World Machine Tool Industry in the Region Occupied by the Market and Developments:

1. EU continues to stay ahead of the European subsidiary of Germany’s heavy-duty machine tools, precision machine tools, Switzerland, Italy, General Machine Tool prestigious in the world, Spain, France, Britain, Austria, Sweden, the machine tool industry also has a certain status. EU research is strong in advanced industrial base, the EU developed machine tool industry, machine tool industry in the world to continue to stay ahead of the competition. 2007, the European Union (15 countries) share of world machine tool production of industrial output value 42.9%; exports accounted for 54.6% of total world exports. World machine tool exports accounted for three of the top five in the EU, namely Germany (1), Italy (third place), Switzerland (fifth place). Machine tool imports the fourth largest in the world; machine consumption seventh in the world.

2. Innovation and export development of Japan’s machine tool industry in the Japanese hybrid technology innovation and export driven production developed rapidly.

Machine tool production in 2007 continued to remain first in the world, exports ranks second in the world. Japanese machine tool companies to technology innovation, electronic and information technology application in CNC machine tools to achieve a number of leading scientific research, Japan has a number of leading manufacturers of CNC machine tools in high-speed, complex, intelligent, and environmental protection fields to maintain the advanced level, in the world machine tool industry plays an important role. Japan for three consecutive years become China’s largest machine tool exporter.

3. U.S. machine tool industry in the development of the last century in the restoration of the eighties, the U.S. machine tool industry fell from dominance, gradually over Japan and Germany. After weighing the U.S. government began to revive the machine tool industry, making the U.S. machine tool industry began to develop in the recovery. U.S. machine tool industry to restore the main road going development of high-end, such as the United States to the nano-processing, intelligent technology, into three major areas of non-contact measurement. 2007 U.S. machine tool production value of the world’s No. 7; machine tool imports accounting for second in the world; machine tools exports accounted for seventh in the world; machine tool consumption accounts for fourth in the world.

4. Asia’s emerging power of the rapid rise of China: As the economy soared, the rapid development of China’s machine tool industry. Machine tool production for several years to maintain third place in the world ranking, first in the world imports, machine tool spending in the world. The rise of China’s machine tool industry, a strong impact on the world’s machine tool industry in the European Union, Japan, the United States a race for the pattern of world trade is regarded as having great potential for development of new forces.

South Korea: In recent years, automobile, shipbuilding, driven by demand for the equipment manufacturing industry, machine tool production, imports, exports, consumption increased rapidly. 2007, fifth in the world machine tool output value; machine exports ranks sixth in the world; machine consumption sixth in the world.

Taiwan: Taiwan’s machine tool industry benefited from the rapid rise of technology introduction, absorption and specialized production systems, machine tool enterprises are mainly concentrated in the Taichung area, 80% of the production machine for export; 2007, the sixth largest in the world machine tool output value; machine exports the fourth highest in the world;

5. M & A and restructuring one after another in recent years, as the world economic recovery, machine tool market, the increasingly fierce competition for control of the machine industry merger and reorganization after another, seven in China M & A machine tool companies in the world famous 10; U.S. investment successful acquisition of the company formed MAG Industrial Automation Systems Group, Inc. recently has acquired BOEHRINCER; Japan Jtekt Group under the Mitsui Seiki Mount, Toyota and light industrial machine composed of foreign companies such as Swiss GF Agie Charmilles Group merged its original brand A Odd? Chamier and Mikron, forming a single new brand. U.S. Hardinge Group (Hardinge) acquisition Klingberg (Kringberg) company and a number of grinding plants, such mergers and acquisitions, restructuring cite numerous examples.

6. The world machine tool giant in an increasingly competitive international science and technology is advancing rapidly, the world’s equipment manufacturing industry is fiercely competitive new round of technology mainly in: a number of new manufacturing areas such as micro-Na manufacturing, optical manufacturing, precision manufacturing, and other continuously emergence of new technologies in pace; second is a new generation of control theory, new materials and new energy of development, cross disciplines and technology integration and Its Driving Role Ming Xian; 3 is Kuaguogongsi Tou heavily in strengthening the technological innovation research, Qitu control technology high ground, to consolidate its industry monopoly; 4, with the development of global trade, the world machine tool giant in technology, market and industry aspects and increasingly competitive. Meanwhile, the intellectual property rights to maintain the role in the international machine tool trade, more and more, standards and patents will be the control of technology and trade disputes.

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Keywords: vogt ice machine,perfect binding machine,linesman tools,

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