Henan Province Will Enhance Nitrogen Levels

Henan Province has issued a nitrogenous fertilizer industry in the “12 Five-Year” period of the development plan, according to the planning, Henan Province will continue to improve the level of equipment and technology, integration of resources, Zeng Jia nitrogen fertilizers, eliminate backward production capacity, strict market access, improving Chan Ye, product structure.

To achieve economies of scale, improve industrial concentration as the goal, to encourage enterprise mergers and reorganizations and use of park-based, vertically integrated development model, to improve the organizational structure of enterprises. In order to promote regional development as the goal, the development of fertilizer industry in the province play resources and market potential of agricultural province, encourage the orderly transfer of resource products, optimize the industrial layout.

To enhance the level of energy saving and production safety target, support innovation and transformation of traditional industries and improve the overall quality of the industry and market competitiveness. Through the promotion of structural adjustment, the effective transformation of economic growth, enhancing sustainable development capacity of the industry.

Objective of raw material structure and product mix improved significantly. Continue to enhance the proportion of high concentrations of chemical fertilizers, slow release fertilizer to promote expansion of the scale.

Nitrogen fertilizer industry in 2015 through elimination of outdated, mergers and acquisitions, to reduce the number of firms to raise industrial concentration. Production to concentrate on key enterprises, foster a number of industry leading enterprise brand. Technical equipment and energy savings significantly raised. To speed up large-scale pulverized coal to synthesis gas and other complete sets of technical equipment demonstration project in the province of the progress of ammonia synthesis consumption dropped to 1.6 tce.

The specific measures to improve market access threshold N, limit low-level disorder expansion capacity. Phase out high energy consumption, serious pollution of 8 metric tons a year of synthetic ammonia plant. Focus on developing high-efficiency compound fertilizer, slow release fertilizers and other high-end products, increased the proportion of high concentration of fertilizer. For 2015, the proportion of high concentrations of fertilizer increased to 90%, fertilizer compound rate of 40%. Encourage the merger and reorganization of enterprises, enhance the industrial concentration, the formation of urea from 2 to 3 business megaton. Support small and medium enterprises from the production of nitrogen based fertilizer to manure secondary processing of the transfer, with the agricultural services, production of special fertilizer for the local.

Ammonia raw coal to achieve diversification and reduce dependence on expensive smoke-free lump, lower production costs, the recent 30% of the ammonia to adjust the structure of raw materials, 50% of long-term. Promotion of fertilizer production wastewater zero emissions, low waste water discharge, waste gas and solid waste comprehensive utilization of technology to improve the level of energy saving and resource utilization efficiency. Encourage qualified enterprises to establish direct sales network, reducing circulation. Carry out soil testing and fertilizer, improving fertilizer use efficiency.

Policies and measures for improving industrial development policies, strengthen supervision and enforcement. Timely preparation of “Guiding Catalogue of Henan Chemical Industrial Restructuring”, on the strict implementation of nitrogenous fertilizer industry trade access, product quality standards, energy consumption and pollutant emission standards, energy use and pollutant emission control measures and other related laws and regulations. Belonging to the limit, out of class enterprise, should be strictly in accordance with the industrial development policies, increase supervision and enforcement, ensure the smooth implementation of industrial restructuring.

Set up a business exit mechanism to speed up elimination of backward production capacity. Enterprises closed down and backward production capacity out of the need to ensure the legitimate rights and interests and social stability. Should withdraw as soon as possible mechanisms for the establishment of industry, government guidance and market regulation through the combination of promotion of the smooth implementation of structural adjustment. Of the capacity must be eliminated, to energy, water and credit limit its supply.

The apparent excess of high energy, high-pollution production, through effective means to promote their exit from the market. On produce other projects in line with national industrial policy, the administrative examination and approval (for the record), land, financing and so on should be supported.

Accelerate the innovation and creative talent development, provide strong support for structural adjustment. Trade promotion organization of advanced, applicable, mature technology, the key common technologies to carry out major research industry. Focus on advanced energy technology, clean production technology, the scarcity of industrial products and high-end technology, comprehensive utilization of resources and technology.

Encourage enterprises to introduce foreign advanced production technology and equipment to digest, absorb and re-innovation and enhance the level of technology and equipment industry as a whole. Strengthen the oil and chemical innovative talents, and actively cultivate the necessary technical personnel, management personnel and skilled workers, and comprehensively improve the professional standards of practitioners and the overall quality.

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