Hot Tubs And Safety: Knowing When It’s Too Hot In There

Hot tubs are wonderful things. With hot tubs spas, you can bask in the warmth of the squirting jets, enjoying their stress-relieving qualities. Indeed, a soak can do wonders for you. Hydrotherapy has been shown to alleviate the pain of arthritis, the high blood sugar of type 2 diabetes and even the insomnia millions of Americans face. But times do exist when hot tubs can be dangerous.

For example, if the temperature of your water is too warm, you face many dangers. Ideally, the water should be between 100 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. If it’s higher, first off, you might be burned by the heat. Second, if the temperature really rises – say to 110 degrees Fahrenheit – you could suffer a heat stroke, pass out and drown in your hot tubs spas.

Children and the elderly are particularly prone to problems when the water gets too hot. This is because children don’t really know that the water is too hot, and the elderly often realize it when it’s too late because their bodies aren’t as sensitive to temperature as are ours. To combat this problem, always have a water thermometer in the water and check it often. You can also fall asleep when the water is too warm and risk drowning, too. Or you might suffer a heart attack.

Another potential problem is that the water could become filled with harmful bacteria. As a result, you could get very ill from using your hot tubs. Sometimes, the bad bacteria build up – especially when hot tubs spas are indoors – and you can get condition called ‘hot tubs lung.’ This is when the harmful bacteria get stuck in your lungs and you get an infection. You’ll cough, sneeze and feel like you have the flu; however, it could in fact be the hot tubs spas lung that’s making you sick. You are especially prone to this if you have asthma, COPD or other chronic lung problems. So, if you have any of these symptoms and you’ve been using hot tubs, be sure to see a doctor immediately.

Similarly, you could get ‘hot tubs rash.’ This also occurs when too many harmful bacteria have built up in the hot tubs spas or when your chemical proportions are off and you cause skin irritation. Usually, hot tubs spas rash isn’t too serious a condition – it’s usually readily cured with hydrocortisone cream – but it can be a lot worse, so if you can’t clear up a case of hot tubs rash quickly, once again, see your doctor.

The drain and drain covers are two more potential hazards of hot tubs use. Indeed, if your drain cover doesn’t work right, people’s hair could be pulled into the drain, lodging their heads there. Or, the drain itself might pull you into it, and this could cause a limb to get stuck or forced off. Again, children and the elderly face these dangers the most.

You should always know how to turn off the hot tubs in case of an emergency. And never leave children unsupervised in hot tubs spas. Use common sense and keep track of the water temperature, the chemical levels and the pH and alkalinity. You’ll be sitting pretty in hot tubs if you recognize the dangers they pose. Hot tubs spas need to be treated carefully to avoid health hazards.

Author Bio: Theodore DiPietro has over 16 years’ experience in the hot tubs industry. He’s witnessed many an accident in hot tubs spas and works hard to prevent disasters!

Category: Home Management
Keywords: hot tubs, hot tubs spas, choose hot tubs direct,

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