How Article Marketing Creates Instant Authority For You ?- Part Two

In Part One of this article I explained what article marketing is, and how easy it can be for your business to use for its benefit. It also outlined the benefits of implementing this as a marketing strategy.

In Part Two of this article I am going to go in to more detail as to the benefits of article marketing, why every business should be using it and why the ones who are not will lose out to those who do.

As you have already read in Part One, information can travel very quickly across the internet and this is one reason why the strategy of article marketing works so well. As well as spreading your company’s name and credentials across the internet, there is another massive advantage to your business to using this form of marketing.

The Lifeblood Of A Website

By distributing articles about your business across the internet, you are providing your business website with something that the search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing) consider to be a huge online vote of confidence. It is so valuable because it acts as confirmation that your website is authentic, valuable to readers and worthy of being considered an authority in your particular area of expertise.

So What is It?

Well, what article marketing can do is provide valuable links back to your website, and this is considered a huge ‘thumbs up’ as far as the search engines are concerned.

The links to your website simply come from the article that you have submitted, and so there is no mystical force at work here, it is not magic. You are merely using leverage once again, something that many businesses fail to do at their peril.

What enables you to have a link (or links) back to your website is this: At the end of your article you are generally asked to write a short biography about you and your company. Within this biography you are often able to include a link (more than one in some cases) back to your company’s website, and it is this that can be like gold dust for your website.

Quality Over Quantity

Of course, the idea is to have good quality and interested articles to submit, as opposed to thinking that submitting hundreds of poor articles will still benefit your website. Believe me they won’t, so do not do it under any circumstances.

The links that your site receives are known as ‘back links’ – a term that you may or may not be familiar with. These back links can have an massive effect on your company’s website and its ranking within the search engines.

In fact it is something that all experts agree can improve your business’ online visibility, and in the highly competitive internet arena, being on the first page of searches can be hugely profitable for a business.

The whole concept of article marketing is considered to be one of the most efficient modes for generating traffic to your website. One reason for this is that once your articles have been submitted to the relevant directories, they are normally visible very quickly.

In fact, I have actually had some articles visible in a matter of hours in some cases.

What Will Your Competitors Think?

It is unlikely that many (if any) of your competitors will be using this highly effective strategy. You’ll also be pleasantly surprised at how quickly this strategy can be implemented.

It really is not a difficult as you might think, because you’ve no doubt got reams of relevant, quality information sitting somewhere in your business that could be put to great use. It might be on your work’s computer, or a member of your staff’s computer, or in a file somewhere.

Wherever it is hiding, this information can be used to good effect, and it would seem pointless for it to not be used to your benefit. As long as an article is your work and has not just been blatantly copied or plagiarised from another source, there is no reason why it cannot be used.

So that concludes Part Two of this article. In Part Three, I am going to reveal some of the key strategies and tactics that will have people wanting to read your articles and find out more about your business.

Author Bio: Simon Thurston is an expert business consultant and marketing consultant, and author of “The Death Of Traditional Marketing”. You can find out more about him by visiting his blog today at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: article marketing,ezine articles,offline marketing,b2b marketing,offline gold,simon thurston

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