How to Fix an Xbox 360 E74 Error Code?

The Xbox 360 is one of the most popular game systems in the world. It is fun for all ages. Grown ups who are kids at heart as well as preschoolers are enjoying this famous game system. The Xbox 360 is a fantastic game console. First of all, it has great games, graphics, and a fantastic online program in place. It also has a large family of gamers ready at all times of the day to play.

However, there is also the red ring of death or red ring of fire that can ruin any gamers day. Not to mention other error codes and disc drive errors that can put a damper on play time. The most common error code is error code E74. If you have seen this, don’t worry about it. Fixing the E74 error is easier than you might think.

First Make Sure the Error is the E74

First off, determine if it is really an E74 error code you have. If you are not completely sure, it’s fairly simple to figure out. The Xbox will display a black screen on your television is it is the E74 error code. Also, you will see only one red light flashing and it will be in the right bottom side of the ring.

Things Not to Do to Fix an E74 Error Code

Once you are sure that you have the E74 error, the first thing you might think to do is to call Microsoft. Truthfully, if your warranty has expired, I would not even bother with Microsoft. Not only will they charge you around $150 for repairs but it adds up to even more after shipping and handling and insurance is added in. They will also keep your system for as long as 4-8 weeks. Most people feel this is not very fair. It cost enough to buy the console; you don’t need to pay $150-$200 more for repair work.

The most recommended way to fix the Xbox 360 E74 is called the towel trick. This option tells you to wrap your console in a towel, and turn the power on until it overheats. Then let it cool off and turn it back on, and this will fix the Xbox 360. Now this does work sometimes, but only for a short while and can have major effects on the system later on, so I do not recommend it.

The Best Xbox 360 E74 Fix

I recommend that you get an Xbox repair guide and fix it yourself. A guide will walk you step by step through the process of fixing almost any error code you could receive on the Xbox 360, including the 3 red rings of death. Although this may seem tedious at first, it will pay off big time. Many of the tools needed to fix an Xbox 360 E74 are normal household items. Probably the best part is that you can get this done normally in under 1 hour.

Having your Xbox 360 fixed and ready to play and saving over $150 is worth it to most people. Find out more here:

Author Bio: Xbox 360 Repairs is a website dedicated to keeping Microsoft from getting any more hard earned money. Fix your Xbox 360 yourself easy and simple, not to mention much cheaper than Microsoft charges.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: ring of fire xbox 360, 3 red rings of death xbox 360, how to fix xbox 360 red rings of death

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