How To Increase Vocal Range To Sing High Notes

To be able to sing higher notes so as to increase your vocal range is probably one of the most sought after skills in learning singing. The problem is that many aspiring singers do not realize that the three important fundamentals of being able to sing higher are the singer’s personal posture, psychology and correct vocal exercises for singing higher notes.

Good posture not only make you look good on stage, it is also very important for it helps in the good delivery and versatility of the singer’s voice. This is because the correct posture controls your vocal tonal quality and sets the vocal range at which you can sing and this include singing and hitting the high notes. Sadly, many singers either don’t know the importance of singing in the correct posture or disbelieve its benefits and thus have a narrow vocal range.

Always stand up straight in a relaxed manner when singing. Look straight ahead and never hunch over when you are singing because hunching can reduce your ability to hit the higher notes. Practice your singing in front of the mirror so that you can constantly watch your posture and correct it if it is wrong.

When singing, keep your body relaxed as a relaxed posture enables your voice to sail to the higher notes. Furthermore the tonal quality will sound much better as a tensed body will produce a tensed voice which your audience can audibly detect. In order to have a relaxed posture, you should not be wearing tight fitting clothes and shoes and you should feel comfortable.

Since the intention is to have a relaxed body, it goes to say that you should not practice singing when you are tensed, angry, sick or stressed. This is because singing is supported by many muscles and the tensed singing that you are practicing may become entrenched in your muscle memory.

Being prepared psychologically is just as important if you want to increase your vocal range. So you should have no distractions when you are practicing and concentrate on your singing and vocal exercises. It is through this focus that you can feel your singing muscles working and how it feels like when you hit certain notes.

So concentrate on your singing and think about the note you want to hit and visualize yourself singing it. This will put your singing bio-mechanism in preparation to hit the note concerned. Take your time when practicing and don’t get discouraged when you fail to hit the notes. It only means that more practices on the correct vocal exercises are required. So practice and practice again until you achieve your aim.

Most people think that by singing the songs with high notes can get them to increase their vocal range. This is wrong because if your singing bio-mechanism is not trained to hit higher notes, you may damage your vocal cords, sometimes permanently. So get your hands on the proper and correct vocal exercises to train with.

There are now many great singing teachers in the market selling singing courses which you can learn from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Check out the good ones on singing high notes so that you can increase your vocal range easily.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is the resident author at How To Sing And Hit Higher Notes and Singing Vocal Lessons

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: sing high notes, vocal exercises, vocal range

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