How to Sing Your BEST at Every Moment – When You’re Sick With a Cold Or Flu!

Having to perform on stage when you’re sick can be rough. Especially when you’re the lead singer! The whole performance is based on how well YOU do, and everyone will be watching you.

So if you’re the lead singer of a band, or if you’re involved in a singing competition, or you’re in a musical, you need to know how to perform at your best all the time, including when you’re sick!

Here are a couple of great tips I’ve picked up over my years of singing on stage and a couple of great recipes you can make to ease and soothe your sore, scratchy voice!

Tip number 1

Use Cold FX extra strength. People from all walks of life use this stuff to prevent themselves from getting sick before a big event. Athletes, musicians, actors, lots of people… and the reason they use it is because it actually works. As SOON as you feel the first beginnings of a cold coming on, grab a pack of the extra strength cold FX and take it according to the package directions. In Canada, the package recommends three pills, twice a day for the first day, two pills twice a day for the second day and one pill twice a day for the third day. By the third day you should be pretty much better with no cold. The idea behind it is it boosts your immune system with ginseng (and a few other things) to fight off the cold naturally instead of just treating the symptoms.

Recipe number 1

Here is a recipe for a drink that some people claim can cure a cold in a single day… I tried it and while my cold didn’t go completely away on its own, it certainly seemed to help. You’ll notice a bit of detoxifying action too so be careful not to drink it all at once or you could end up feeling a little sick. Everybody is different so you’ll have to try it for yourself to see if you like it.

Combine in a blender:

– One peeled and chopped up lemon, (keep the rind on)
– One cup of blueberries
– Unsweetened white grape juice (as much as you like)

Blend and separate into two servings. Drink one serving right away, refrigerate the other and drink it approx. four hours later.

I have friends that swear this drink can cure a cold in a single day… you’ll notice a bit of detoxifying action too so be careful not to drink it all at once or you could end up feeling a little sick.

Recipe number 2

Here’s a recipe that will revive your tired throat and get you ready for a performance!

A mug of very hot water
Teaspoon of honey
Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

Combine all ingredients and sip slowly in the hour leading up to your performance.

And of course, the best cure for what ails you is rest. So as much as possible, get plenty of sleep leading up to the day of your performance, even if you’re NOT sick. You’ll do better much if you’re well rested. Other things that work well are throat drops before and after each set, lemon tea, orange juice, throat sprays like “Entertainer’s Secret” and of course make sure you warm up and warm down your voice with some easy scales to prevent any further strain on your voice. There are tons more great tips and techniques in the Sing Like A Pro vocal training program, visit to get yours today!

Author Bio: Elisha Rae is an internationally known vocal teacher. Her website, has a wealth of singing information, tips, free articles and videos, to help you overcome all of your vocal challenges!

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: singing, sick, cold, performance

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