How to Use Business Article Marketing Tips to Make Money Online

By using any of a number of business article marketing tips, you can make the most of the advertising potential of writing articles and submitting them to article directories to make money online. This potential is sufficient to enable you to achieve a Page #1 listing on Google and to attract tens of thousands more visitors to your website.

Not only that, but these visitors can be directed to specific pages on your website that you choose. It is possible to direct over 100,000 visitors to one page on a website where the Home Page gets only 1,000 visits per month. This is because of the benefits of being able to offer any link of your choice in the resource section of your article.

However, prior to offering all these article marketing tips it is important that you appreciate the fact that there is more to writing articles than just offering some badly written text and then expecting it to be published and read – it might be neither if your standard of writing is not good enough. So it is essential that your article is lucid and grammatically written if you wish to use them to make money online.

That said, here are some business article marketing tips on how to make the best of your article if it is intended for publication on article directories.

1. Make sure that the URL in your resource is related to the subject of your article. I don’t mean just the general niche, but the specific subject, so if you are writing about bow ties don’t lead them to a page about ascots or cravats. Lead them to a page explaining why most men who wear bow ties do so because most men don’t wear bow ties!

2. OR – and an important ‘OR’ – lead them to a squeeze page offering something in exchange for their name and email address. By doing that, you can use your article, not to offer readers further information, but to persuade them to join your list. You can offer a free course or a free eBook or report on your niche in return for their first name and email address. You will need to use an autoresponder such as AWeber or GetResponse to handle the form and list for you, but using article marketing to build a good email list is a fabulous way of using your article writing skills.

3. You can also use your articles to direct readers to your Squidoo lens or even your Facebook Wall or a YouTube video. You can make a video using a simple webcam that promotes your business, and then publish it on YouTube. By providing a link to that video in your article resource or bio, you can promote your business or product on the video.

4. Why not write an article about a common problem connected with your niche? Explain how frequently this problem arises and how it can affect various people in different ways. Examples are a) being unable to access certain websites from your computer, b) dogs that keep biting the postman and that are in danger of being put down, or c) how when some people diet to lose weight they appear to have no energy to do any housework.

Then, having presented the problem offer a partial solution, such as in a): web proxies can be used to access websites through a third party, and b): dogs can be trained to accept postmen walking down their path and opening their mailbox, or c): there are ways to diet that do not deplete your readers of the carbohydrates needed for the generation of ATP energy.

Then use your resource to suggest that you can offer more extensive solutions to their problem if they simply click on the link provided. Then make sure that you deliver the solution on the landing page. If you impress them with your knowledge and help, they will be more likely to purchase your products and help you to make money online.

These are just four business article marketing tips on how to use article marketing to get yourself known and persuade readers that you can help them with their problems. In using them, make sure that you not only offer genuine solutions to their problems, but also persuade them that you can offer a lot more help if they visit your website. Once on your squeeze page (a page persuading them to give you their contact details) give them a persuasive reason why offering their contact details will be of benefit to them in not only having this problem solved, but many other associated problems. You will then find that your emailing list will grow rapidly.

I am sure that you can now think of many more ways in which to provide business article marketing tips to readers of your own articles, and once you find you can do that then you should be able to build up your business, not only to make money onlinefor yourself, but to help solve the problems of your prospective customers which, if you are honest about it, will give you as much satisfaction as selling any products related to it.

Author Bio: More information on how to use article marketing to promote your website and make money can be found on where you will also be offered a Free Article Writing Course in return for your contact details enabling me to offer you free professional help on how to promote your business online.

Category: Business
Keywords: Article marketing tips,business article marketing tips,business article marketing,writing articles,a

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