How to Use Reiki Symbols

Although there are other symbols used by some Reiki schools, there are only four that are in use in all schools. These four symbols are Cho Ki Rei, Sei Hei Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Zen, and Dai Ko Myo.

Western Reiki schools have slightly different meanings for each of these symbols than Japanese schools. Also, in Western schools, the symbols are referred to by their actual names. In Japanese schools, they are simply referred to by their numbers, as in first, second, third, and fourth.

To make use of the four Reiki symbols, you must activate them. Unless you are already a Reiki Master, you will usually have to be attuned to a particular symbol before you can activate it yourself.

In order to maintain your connection to the symbol, you must use it during meditation and self-treatments. To do this, you must simply concentrate on the symbol in your mind as you enter your meditative state. This may be done by seeing the image in your mind, drawing it in your mind, or repeating its name.

There are various ways to activate the symbols during visualization. Many people like to draw the symbol they wish to activate in their palm before they begin performing Reiki. Some will then clap their hands three times in order to seal in the energy from the symbol.

Some prefer to draw the symbol in the air, or simply visualize themselves doing so. Others use their tongue to draw the symbol on the roof of their mouth. And some even imagine the symbol being etched onto their retina or even in their very breath.

You can use any visualization technique that works for you. At first, you may want to draw the symbol on your palm. If you have trouble remembering what the symbols look like, this is probably a good idea. Eventually, the symbols will become a part of you and you won’t need to do this anymore.

Many practitioners will chant the symbols, either aloud, or in their minds. Some say the symbol three times, because it is said there is a very strong power in the number three. Remember Dorothy clicking her heels together and repeating “There’s no place like home.” This is a fictional example of the power of three, but it is very real.

It doesn’t really matter how you activate the symbols. Use the method that seems to work best for you. Once activated, you can visualize them in different ways in order to make use of them for your purposes.

For example, let’s say you have a tumor that you wish to heal. You would first activate the Cho Ku Rei symbol. Once activated, you would imagine that symbol inside the tumor, using its energy to replace that tumor with healthy cells. You may need to repeat this process many times if you have a lot of negative energy inside that tumor, but each time you use the symbol, it will become more and more powerful, because you will begin to master its use.

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Category: Self Help
Keywords: Reiki, Reiki Symbols,

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