How to Write Good Enough to Be Published?

Want to see your articles published in magazines? Well, most writers really love to get their articles published magazines. And I guess you are also excited to make it happen.

But for the first part, you need write an article before you submit it to a publisher. Staring blankly at your page will not get you into work and time is really running fast.

Whether you are writing on a piece of paper, on a type writer or hitting your computer screens, you should up come on what to write in order to have your work done immediately.

Having a plenty of time in editing your work can really help before you publish it. But how can you edit your writing if you didn’t even start a single paragraph?

Most of the time, there were lots of articles that have been rejected by an editor from a certain publication.

What do you think is the reason behind? In writing, articles can be accepted and published in a magazine just because it was written properly and effectively.

Articles that have been rejected might be structured improperly and the overall quality didn’t pass the standard requirements of an article before it gets published.

Most of the time, editors are pressured due to their task in inspecting various aspiring articles hoping to featured on a magazine.

Badly written articles are consist of weak sentence structures, bad grammars, misspellings and incorrect use of words. Above all, there is no flow in the body of your article.

You don’t want to write such a dry and dull article right? How can you garner lots of readers if your article is not really interesting?

You have to be able to write at a level that mirrors the quality of the pieces that those publications include.

1. Clean and clear writing. There’s no way around this. If you can’t express your thoughts clearly with cleanly-written paragraphs, you’re going to have a hard time getting past editorial scrutiny. Use a professional writing software to assist in both.

2. Write about stories, not subjects. Subjects are just random facts; stories are interesting bits of the human condition. Any hack can pick out a subject, but it takes resourcefulness to dig deep enough to find a story.

3. Spread out your story. The right way to present a story for magazines is not by pouring it in one big burst. Most of the time, it works best to drop hooks to keep the reader glued right till the end. Yes, just like reading a good book.

4. Use expert resources. Begin building a roster of experts you can draw direct quotes from. Magazine pieces often work best to convince readers when you’ve got authoritative opinions backing your assertions up.

5. Don’t aim for perfect. Never aim for perfect. Reader’s don’t need flawless. What they want is accurate information, just enough of a story to pique their curiosity and clear ideas they can wrap their heads around. If you have that, you’ll be good.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: magazine writing, published writing

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