Incorporating Military Self Defense Into Your Life

It is probably safe to say that there is no one on Earth that is trained more thoroughly in self defense than members of the armed forces. They spend years honing their skills and practising all different types of self defense strategies. But now you can have access to all of their military self defense strategies and can use them in your own life.

Many of these strategies used to be held in secrecy. But now the secrets out, and everyone is able to learn these amazing self defense tactics that are practised by members of the military. Chris Pizzo, the founder of Close Combat Training has served in the armed forces and knows a thing or two about self defense. He has travelled the entire world investigating different types of martial arts and has incorporated all of his knowledge into an easy to follow package. With his DVD’s, you can learn the amazing techniques of military self defense that are being taught to troops at this very moment. And you don’t have to enter the military to gain access.

The very same skills that are taught daily to Navy Seals can now be in your hands. You will no longer have to fear walking down a dark alley after dark, because you will be ten times more prepared than your potential attacker. You will learn unarmed self defense strategies that you can incorporate into any type of situation. But why would you want to, you may ask? Well the answer is simple: violent criminals are everywhere. At any time of day, in any city in the world, you can count on the fact that someone is planning a violent attack. The reason is usually for money and unsuspecting, average people are often the target. But if you learn self defense tactics, you can take the power back from your attacker.

One of the great aspects of military self defense is that the techniques are quite simple. Anyone, no matter size, weight or experience level can learn how to properly use them. And surprisingly, a lot of the work is done with your mind instead of your fists. One of the main key elements of self defense is awareness. Being aware of your surroundings, aware of other people near you and aware of possibly dangerous situations. Many violent altercations can be avoided completely just by being on the safe side. Always remember to keep your eyes and ears open and aware any time you are out in public. A would-be attacker will often prey on victims who seem to be off in their own little world. This gives them the sense of surprise, so they are on top right from the get-go. But if you walk around completely aware and in tune with everything going on around you, it is likely that an attacker will simply move on to easier prey. So by simply being aware of what is happening around you, you can often avoid ever having to actually use these great self defense tactics.

Author Bio: health and education or maybe even self improvement/education/tips and advice Self defense techniques are useful for each person to protect oneself from all sudden instances, read more on : military self defense, self defense tactics

Category: Sports
Keywords: military self defense , self defense tactics

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